Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

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Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by ~threadbear~ »

Well, I hope we're going to be big losers (in the dieting sense of course! ;) ).

I thought it would be nice to have a new thread for Dawn, Liz and myself (plus any of you who want to join us) to discuss our diets/weight loss journey and am hoping the rest of you will come on and give us support :hug: and motivation :poke: and even perhaps the odd :choc: treat when we deserve it! :dance:

:choc: There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE! :dance:
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by kazzi29 »

look at the ticker! lol wanted to be further along this close to the wedding....but at least im not what i was back then!!!
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by ~threadbear~ »

Quick slimming profile:
So I have 2 stone to lose appx.
My weigh in day is Saturdays.
I'm doing the slimming world diet.

My problems dietwise are having fibroids and period problems plus a bit anemic, I crave sweet things alot and am having to be hard on myself to stop myself slipping back into bad habits. Syns are a massive help to me with this though.


Go you Kazzi, you've done amazingly well!
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by kazzi29 »

thanks i started my weightloss journey nearly a year ago!
im doing weight watchers my weigh in is a thurs which i finds helps loads coz i can have one naughty night out at the weekend and have the rest of the week to drag it back lol
im doing it with a friend and shes doing well too im so suprised that i have managed to stick to it
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by *barb* »

I have to lose another 22 Kgs (thats about 44 pounds) and need to start working on this. I have already lost 50Kg. The problem being I am kind of happy where I am so no motivation. :neutral:

However, more and more lately i have been thinking about it so maybe the time is right to get it moving!
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by Sarah Gixxer »

Great idea, I'll be in! Well, I'll support you all for the next 2 weeks until all the stress of my move is out of the way and then I'd like to join in with the actual weight loss.

I need to lose a stone. The way that works best for me is following a low GI plan, because I get problems with low blood sugar. I find that a similar plan to this suits me best:-

Breakfast:- Porridge and fruit / All bran and fruit (or similar)

Morning snack:- Apple or pear

Lunch:- 4 Ryvitas with cottage cheese and a fruit yoghurt OR 2 slices of rye bread or wholegrain bread sandwiched with cold meat or tuna and salad

Afternoon snack:- Handful of raisins and nuts or a banana

Dinner:- Small quantity of brown rice or brown pasta, chicken turkey or fish, veg or salad and a homemade sauce of tomatoes, garlic and herbs

Evening snack:- Cup of tomato soup or an Oxo

I have to eat little and often because of the stupid blood sugar and this plan or something similar usually works for me. I allow myself something naughty on Saturdays like a pie or a takeaway and a couple of drinks.

So I'm going to aim to start this on 1 June - new month, new home, new life.... and hopefully new slimmer me! I will get on the scales on the morning of 1 June and then weigh in once a week.

In the meantime I'll keep reading this thread and encourage the rest of you.
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by agi »

This is fantastic! I am joining, too. You may remember that last year I lost 20 kilos, but I wanted to lose 5 more and just couldn't - it was when my stomach and other problems started. Since then I put about 2-3 of those kilos back on, because recently I have been eating way too much bread and sweets. So I need to lose 8 kilos.

I am not sure what kind of diet I will be able to follow with my acid problems, and I need something that is cheap as well but I will find something. Any advice?

At the moment I am just trying to cut down on sweets and white bread, and started to do some exercises at home (I have a Callanetics video). I will also resume my big walks but the weather has been rainy for weeks now. :(
(I had to stop my dancing lessons because 1. I was dizzy all the time from the medicines, 2. cannot afford it right now.)

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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by Lizzieh »

What a lovely idea TB.
i have still got the slimming world books so could try it. I lost about 3stone with weight watchers over 10 years (and one pregnancy!) ago but just don't seem to be able to do it.
So, I need to lose 2.5 stone and I really do need to as I have recently discovered that the risks of my Barrets oesophagus progressing to cancer are doubled by being obese! (Which technically I am!)
I have always battled with my weight and find I have to stick rigidly to a diet to lose anything. If I let myself off the leash for a day then I can forget losing or staying the same for that week.
I am weighing on Monday mornings. I have been tempted to change to Friday so that the weekend is more fun but decided I am likely to behave more at the weekend if I know I am weighing on a monday!

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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by coffee_freak »

I'd love to join..i am in the process of losing and in the last month have lost 15 pounds.

my start weight was 175lbs.
I am now at 160lbs.

I have set mini goals of 10 lbs.

My goal is 130lbs

I am using Atkins (low carb) as my diet and Wii Fit (and work) as my exercise
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by Cockneystitcher »

Good idea TB.

I have a stone to lose,but would be happy to lose 2.My diet is very much like Sarah's,with the odd choccie and biccie in the evening with my coffee.Hate the gym but have gone back to walking which i do everyday with my daughter or walkman and for someone with little legs she sure can move :lol: .So far i don't seem to have lost much in weight but in inches and can see a nice change of shape appearing :lol: so that keeps me motivated to keep at the walking.Might see if DD has any nice gentle exercises on her wii aswell.
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by ~threadbear~ »

This is great. We have a good group of us now. :)
So, Liz, Dawn, Kazzi, Barb, Agi, C-F, Cockneystitcher and Sarah when she's settled. Oh, and me! :lol:

Agi, I have acid reflux as well and the slimming world diet doesn't affect me. Probably because you can choose which foods to eat from a whole list and so can easily avoid things that upset it.

Liz, I also have Barratts and so I'm hoping this will be a positive move for me as well. :)

C-F, that's a good idea to use the wii fit as well. I might try and steal the boys wii! :dance:

I'm pretty sure having to report a loss or gain to each other each week will be a good protection against us just giving in too easily and sharing diet ideas, tips and motivating each other has to help us loads too.

I'm feeling well up for the challenge at the moment thanks to you all. :applesauce: :hug:
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by kazzi29 »

cool so who i 1st to weigh in?
i weigh in on a thurs eve
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by freelady »

Well done T/Bear for suggesting this.

I will be cheering you all on but not joining in at this point.
I need and want to lose 7 stone (close to 100 lbs). I started a blog the other day to help me on my way and to focus my mind on my goals. I'm trying to create better habits and thinking rather than going with any particular eating plan at this point.

The reason I'm not joining you is that if I do I will be putting myself under pressure and that's the last thing I need.

I'd say good luck to all of you, but luck doesn't come into it at all.
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by *barb* »

okay, i shall pick wednesdays to weigh myself then so i can do an inital weight tomorrow (cause i didn''t like the one i did tonight :lol: ) and i will make 2 goals for the week, as the weeks go along I shall add more goals.

Will Do:

1. - 30 minutes walk twice a week is my start

2. - count calories every day, even if it is roughly and include the bad stuff.

Wont do:

1. ticker signature thing.
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by Dawn »

HEy all :)

Fantastic idea TB especially for me after I go the news of Sean's redundancy yesterday (his company went into administration and nearly one thousand and 50 jobs where lost yesterday) and fell/jumped straight off the diet wagon and into the chocolate box (been in there most of today aswell)

I'm currently looking to loose 2.5stone and I'm exercising by walking the kids to school and back when the weather permits and doing the boxing on the wii.

I'm doing the slimming world extra easy plan at the moment and I've lost a 0.5lb so far but my consultant reminded me that the longer it takes to come off the longer it stays off for and that over a year a lb a week can add up to up to a loss of 3stone :)

My weigh in is Thursday and well I may not be going this week after the spectucular failing over the last day and a half but if I don't I may loose the motivation and not go back. So I'll drag myself along :)
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by kazzi29 »

yes dawn you should just go there and face the never know you might not have put on....if you do you know the reason why
big hugs
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by SusanF »

Hmmm I wish I had read this thread before eating that white choc chip cookie :( :( :( :( I'm not going to join in officially with you all, but I do need to lose about half a stone or so, so maybe reading how you are all getting on will inspire me to try a little harder and stop eating so much rubbish.

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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by minij »

Please can I join in as well, over the last couple of years I have lost about 2 stone (which I had put on due to my thyroid problem) but as I am still very overweight would like to lose loads more. I have come down a couple of clothes sizes but my eldest son is getting married in August so would like to lose perhaps 1 stone approx before then.

I will just be watching what I eat, trying to eat healthier foods and avoiding the things which I know I shouldn't eat as they hinder the weight loss with my thyroid. I will also try to excercise more. I will weigh myself on Tuesdays which I did yesterday so will report back next week. Good luck everyone.

Meant to say my weakness is chocolate or anything sweet, feeling quilty :oops: as before I read this had a scone with strawberries and clotted cream, oh well that was my last treat for a while
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by kazzi29 »

to be honest it amazing what cutting out the cr@p does for you thats all i have done
i still have the odd treat but just point it/save points for it
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Re: Motivational moments for the forums BIG LOSERS!

Post by Kute Kitty »

I'm doing the Tesco's version of the Slim Fast diet at the moment (it's half the price of Slim Fast and part of the reason I found SF hard to maintain when I was doing it last year was the cost) which I'm getting on with very well in terms of I feel sated by the food provided, and I get some variety from the food I eat in the evenings and whatever - but I have to admit, I'm terrified of weighing myself! I feel that I have lost some weight, my clothes feel looser (to the point I worry that I might have to get new bras, I was a difficult size to begin with!) but I've been so overweight for so long, and been so berated about it by some GPs who in the past have been known to reduce me to tears and drive me to comfort eating, that I'm now downright terrified that I'll get on the scales, find that I've not lost anything or even gained something, and will lose all motivation. On the other hand, if I did find that I'd lost weight I think I'd cry! I don't even own bathroom scales but there is a set of weighing scales at the supermarket near me - you know the kind, where you pay 20p or whatever the going rate is now to find out your weight - and I keep thinking I should wait for a quiet time there and go find out...and I've been intending to do that since before Christmas. Could someone please give me the kick up the backside I need?!
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