Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by rcperryls »

I would love to be on the first spaceship that discovers a world with sentient beings. Doesn't have to be "life as we know it". Or maybe the dream should be to have the courage to be on that spaceship. In general, I'm more on the coward than brave side and wish it were the other way round.

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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by richardandtracy »

I would love to visit the Kamchatka Peninsula, and spend time travelling in Siberia. Unfortunately, with Kamchatka being closed to most people and with the current international nastiness going on, I fear that will remain a dream for many years to come.

And visit Greenland. Oh yes, to visit the edge of where it's possible for people to live, just perfect.

I have been able to visit Alaska, Yukon and a tiny bit of what was (and still is) Northwest Territories, as well as Iceland and Norway. The boreal forest in Canada and Alaska is simply breathtaking, fills the soul with spiritual peace. Norway feels more civilized, almost too settled for me to feel comfortable with.

Patagonia and south Chile. They are so beautiful, but there is something that leaves me wondering whether I really want to go there. My brother delights in Spanish and Spanish derived culture, but it's not my cup of tea. Maybe I need to get further out of my cultural comfort zone, not just my physical comfort zone.

In the southern hemisphere, apart from Antarctica, I would love to visit Gritviken on South Georgia, and see Whales unmolested in the area of past unjustifiable slaughter. Then spin round the globe to South Island, New Zealand and see the stunning LOTR vistas for real, and many more besides.

Thinking about it, I do need that yacht.


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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by fccs »

You definitely need the yacht!

I have always wanted to go to Russia, but I don’t see that happening now. My BA is in history and we had to specialize in three areas, so mine were US, Japan, and Soviet Union. (Yes, this was a very long time ago.) It’s a fascinating country and the history is interesting (and sad, as many histories are). The people are resilient and deserve better than they have been given throughout much of their history. And the architecture….ahhh. Alas, I don’t see a trip there in my future.

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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by Serinde »

I did Russian Area Studies, as it was called back in the day as my university minor subject, so lots of lang and lit. Many years later, I'd been been able to visit the Prado, so I though the obvious next step was the Hermitage. Guess not. I suspect never again in my lifetime. What a confounded waste. :x
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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by Roland »

My big dream is to own a house…or at a mortgage with a house. :lol:

Shall we include dreams we have attained in this thread too?
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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by Sojourner »

Roland wrote: Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:54 pm

Shall we include dreams we have attained in this thread too?
Good idea, it can be inspiring to learn of other's adventures.
Well, as said, I've done a lot of waterway miles in my small boat, including a somewhat scary week on the River
Meuse in Southern Belgium/Northern France. It's a BIG river, in a 14ft boat.
One dream achieved when young (and single!) - travelling overland from the UK to Australia (twice :lol: )
mostly by basic local transport and hitching. Via Iran and Afghanistan, sadly pretty much off limits nowadays.
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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by Roland »

A dream I reached…

When I was young I learned about Marilyn Bell. She was the first person to swim across Lake Ontario. I wanted to do that. I practically lived in the water all summer long. When I developed problems with infections in my ears the doctor told me I had a choice..stay out of the water or lose my hearing. Problem is, he also told my mom….so I was no longer allowed to swim.

Eventually I got back into the water, and again started as much long distance swimming as I could. I never got to swim across Lake Ontario, but at about 11 or 12 I did get to swim across a lake that was almost a mile, and at 15 I swam across another lake that was about 1 1/2 miles. The first one I got caught in seaweed and my dad wanted me pulled into the boat, but my brother argued with him, he said I could get out of it myself, he showed enough confidence in me that I remembered how…calm down, stop fighting, slowly use my hands to remove the weeds, and float away.

Sometimes you have to change your dream a bit to attain it. 8)
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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by Steam.Jo »

I will never forget scuba diving on the Great Barrier reef back in the 1990s before so much of it died off due to climate change :cry:

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Re: Apropos of nothing or What are your dreams?

Post by wendywombat »

I have always dreamt of living in Scotland..........

And now I am living that dream.
I am here! :whoop:
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