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Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:15 am
by Garnet
Welcome back Vanessa, I hope life flows more smoothly for you now and I can't wait to see more of your beautiful stitching.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:08 pm
by Tyledres
Definitely not an old timer and I don't think I was active for long two years ago. Life just got in the way. Had shingles in my eye and its been a long road. I stopped stitching because the bright light was hurting my eye and so I taught myself to knit and crochet. Been doing that when the stitchy bug recently came by and smacked me hard. Been stitching up a storm ever since. I'll have to remember to get photos ready to post but want to wait until I finish the page I'm on. It's so close.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:21 pm
by richardandtracy
Sorry you had such a rotten time, but it's nice to see you back.

Photos would be lovely.

All the best


Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:52 pm
by Serinde
Who knew that shingles in your eyes was even a possibility? Nightmare! :shock: Glad you are on the mend, and that you frustrated the frogs by learning something different. That's impressive, truly. And it's great to see you here again, so I'll go off and find the magic bench for us to perch on while you finish your page. :P

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:00 am
by Squirrel
I am sorry to read about the shingles in your eye - definitely not wanted at all. I am just delighted that you are back with us and busy stitching up a storm again. I have enjoyed seeing all you have been stitching lately. :)

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:13 am
by wendywombat
Ophthalmic Shingles is about the worse type of shingles! :doh: Big Hug and sympathy. It did have one small plus now know how to knit and crochet! :D

Good to see you back. :whoop:

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:24 pm
by Garnet
Oh my goodness, poor you! I have had Shingles twice on my face and I know how bad the pain can be, luckily mine didn't effect the optic nerve. So glad you have recovered.

*am off to have a look at the stitch-a-long*

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:31 am
by kingfisher2
We are back home again after extended caravan holiday. Have caught up with things at home & am gridding Aida for Margaret Sherry gardening dogs Time to Grow design to stitch for us. Will post picture of design on SAL later today.

Did not start the Victorian terrace as colours too dark when I started sorting them out, not enough bright flowers in it but have bought another original design of John Hassell - 2 white cottages & gardens. That will go well with Pleasant Row, altho opposite in colours they are in same collection of his designs.

The 3rd one of his cottage designs is a tapestry mentioned ages ago. I bought that as so many flowers in front of that design, called Profusion, I did not want to add lots of beads or do lots of French knots! The 3 should make a nice set when all are done, whenever that may be.

Looking forward to getting back to stitching.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:53 am
by wendywombat
I was wondering yesterday where you were!
Great to see you back again! :whoop: :whoop:

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:00 pm
by kingfisher2
Thank you Wendy. We had use of the caravan until end of July. After all the toing & froing to my cousin when she had the fall etc, we took advantage of the offer given by another relative, made when the younger family members took over after a few weeks of us seeing to th invalid. We did come home few days as DH had hospital appointment I did pop in here then we went back to caravan. This offer we had will not be made again as caravan being sold next year, so glad we took it.

It must be so very tiring for you & your DH coming back & forth to Hampshire. I caught up with your news regarding your father's property. What a very good thing to find the Title Deeds, after all that searching. Bet you were almost tearing your hair out as it took so long, like a very small needle in a giant haystack! So glad you had the kindness of strangers to help you through the sorting out, trash taken away etc. Angels sent from heaven to help you in your hour of need. I remember they did get their rewards with musical items they wanted & both made new friendships, a good result all round.

Great you got to see family the other week while over in UK :D

Tylesdres so sorry to hear about that only know one other person who had shingles in their eye. Do hope you feel better soon & as Wendy said a on the plus side, you've learned new skills, Get well soon :) :hug:

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:17 pm
by rcperryls
:whoop: So glad to see ya'll back. I've been what feels to me kind of on again off again I guess because its been a busy summer, but have been wondering where others were. I am so sorry to hear about shingles in your eye. Like some of the others I have never heard of it but am so glad that you have recovered and were able to learn some new skills while you were recuperating. Can't wait to see the updates!


Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:17 am
by fiddler
Hi everyone. Have not been on for awhile.Life got in the way and my Stitchy bug went missing. Husband recovering after having a seizure. He had been having small ones during the night but this was a big one. We had lots of hospital appointments Nurologists Cardiologists ect. Nothing was found so we are just on medication and so far so good. He was not allowed to drive for a year and it really affected his confidence. We sold our old car and got used to traveling on trains and buses He has now decided he does not feel as he can drive again.

I think I put a picture on of what cross stitch I was doing but it was so long ago I can't find it so will send another one soon. It is nearly fininished. It is lovely to be back and I won't disappear again.
Love Ann :whoop:

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:39 am
by Mabel Figworthy
Hello Ann :wave: - good to have you back! Here's to your husband's continued improvement and the medication continuing to be as effective as it has been. I hope public transport will prove to be a good substitute for the car.
Looking forward to seeing new pics of your stitching!

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:29 am
by Squirrel
Welcome Back Ann, it is so great to have you back. I do hope that your DH stays well from now onwards and there are no more nasty happenings in his or your life.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:10 pm
by Garnet
:wave: Welcome Back! I hope life flows more smoothly for you now and your DH continues to improve.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 5:02 pm
by poppy
Welcome back, Ann! :hug:
Sending all good wishes to you and DH. Hopefully, life will feel normal again soon and DH will feel much better.
Looking forward to seeing your stitching... :D

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:04 pm
by fuchsiafairy
Didn't realise it is so long since I last posted on here. Joined in June, started Periwinkle Cottage but couldn't get on with it so a friend has it to finish. She liked it a lot so I can see it on her wall when I visit.

Now evenings are starting to draw in time to get on with things indoors again but DH & I both have colds so not much of any hobbies at the moment. Had good intentions but that's about all at the moment.

Will get back to some stitching though as seeing what others have made & are making have spurred me into getting stahs sorted out once cold has disappeared.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:30 am
by Squirrel
:wave: Hi Polly great to have you posting and I hope the colds you both have soon leave you so you can get onto some of your lovely handwork again. :)

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:20 pm
by lilacwine
i know I've been AWOL but life's been bit hectic lately. Hope to get back to stitching soon.

Re: Where has everyone gone?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:40 pm
by Serinde
Life does that, alas! :D We are delighted to see you whenever you can look in.