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Heirloom baby booties help please....

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:36 pm
by Lorna1987
I am currently working on the above project from issue 27 of the art of crochet magazine. If anyone has it could they please explan the pattern when it comes to the toes as I don't understand it. If anyone can help me I can type the pattern out to them via message so hopefully someone can explain it a bit clearer.

All help appreciated as I am desperately trying to get these finished for my baby cousin.

many thanks


Re: Heirloom baby booties help please....

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:37 pm
by Serinde
Someone here will be able to help, I'm sure. :P

Re: Heirloom baby booties help please....

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:21 pm
by Lorna1987
this is the part of the pattern I am struggling with;

1st row: 3 ch, miss st at base of ch, (tr2tog over next 2 sts) 8 times, turn.

2nd row: 3 ch, miss st at base of ch, (tr2tog over next 2 sts) 4 times, turn.

Next round: 2 ch (counts as first htr), miss st at base of ch, 1 htr into each of next 4 sts, 2 htr into first row end, 1htr into next row end, 1 htr into each st, 1 htr into next row end, 2 htr into low row end, join with a ss into 2nd of 2 ch. Fasten off.

the thing i am really struggling with getting my head around in the next round instructions, especially when it is talking about row ends?

Please please could someone clarify these instructions for me to make it simpler, either on here or via PM would be very very much appreciated.

Re: Heirloom baby booties help please....

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:22 pm
by hada56
from just reading what you wrote, it looks like you are decreasing the rows to make it smaller (maybe it's the toe?) and that last row are just htr into each st from the previous row, and then you fasten off. hope this makes sense.
Sorry, I don't have the magazine nor have I ever heard of it, I'm just trying to help you out a little. I hope someone else can help you more than I.