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Size Differences

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:22 pm
by Kitsune
Okay, so I was mentioning that I finally got in my Mask of Autumn Harvest cross-stitch, but it was 25 ct evenweave or linen, which worries me, since I can't seem to do it right.

It was mentioned that I could use 14 ct aida, but my question is, does that mean I'm doubling the total size, since my stitches will be so much bigger. Or do I then have to cut each square into 4 to make it the same size...

I'm confused... :? :cry: Any help would be appreiciated.

If I do have to double the size, I'm gonna figure out how to do it on the highest aida count I can, so it'll still be a little bigger, but ten times easier to stitch. 8)

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:40 pm
by Serinde
Never fear! If the kit comes with 25ct linen, give it a go. It's not hard, and the finish will be much nicer than aida.

All you have to remember is that every stitch you do goes over 2 (two) threads. The size of the finished piece will be the same (or near enough).

One Aida block = two threads in linen (or any other evenweave). Some stitchers think of it this way: visualise a tic-tac-toe board and your needle comes up and goes down into the corners. You stitch from bottom left to top right and then back from bottom right to top left. ... nlinen.htm

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:43 pm
by Rose
Kitsune as I said before I THINK that the eavenweave size of 25 count SHOULD calculate out to 12.5 aida size. The 14 count if I am correct in my calculations will give you a slightly small size but just a very small amount. In the Internet Sites thread there are some conversion sites that should be able to tell you the difference between eavenweave size and aida size. you should also be able to take the total stitch count say 100X90 and calculate out what that would equal in all of your stitching sizes. It would come to 7.14 inchesX6.42 inches for 14 count aida, does this seem to be about the same as what the kit says? To calculate out the size for your pattern divide the stitch count by 14 and that should give you the inch size. I hope I am helping you and not making it harder. :oops:

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 5:41 pm
by Kitsune
That's the problem... It didn't come in a kit. Well, maybe I'll try being brave and order the material and give it a go. If worse comes to worse, I just start over on aida.

I keep mentioning 14 ct, cause that's what I'm used to, although I'm really getting into the smaller sizes. The roses that I'm doing right now (which can be seen on my msn site, via the link in Kitsune's SAL) are 16 ct.

And I don't mind the size being a bit smaller... I think it's an 11 x 18 inch, and every square of it filled. :(

It's going to take forever, but I think it'll be gorgeous when it's finished! :lol:

And that didn't confuse me... Now that I have an idea how to do the conversion it shouldn't be that hard if I decide to go that way... I was lost because the first woman I spoke to who got me the 28 ct evenweave when what I wanted was 14 ct aida, said that I'd have to double the size of the stitches to get the same effect as a 14 ct, so I wasn't certain if I'd have to 1/2 the size here.... I think she just wasn't sure and giving me bad info.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 7:24 pm
by Serinde
If you are ordering linen -- or any material -- for this project remember to add 2-3 inches on all four sides to your material calculations. You want to have plenty of room, not just for using a hoop or frame, but to give yourself plenty of options for finishing or framing.

I think stitchiing bookmarks is so popular simply because of the left-over material everyone has... :P

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:38 am
by Rose
Thanks Serinde for that reminder. I had forgot to add that. It is a very important thing to remember when getting the proper size material. We don't want to get 3/4 of the way done just to find that there is no room to frame or finish.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:46 pm
by Kitsune
I've already run into that problem on an old one I did... A sorcerer on Black 14 ct (yep, you guessed it, one male & one female, a set, although I bought them seperately)... Once again, I just starting and it didn't come in a kit, so I bought the material for the size listed on the package. :oops:

It all fit, but I think I have maybe a 1/2 cm on each side, and that's it... I don't know if I can still frame it, so it's been left to sit in my box for a while :shock: .

I figure when I finish the sorcerous then I'll take them both in, and let the proffessionals figure it out. :lol: :P