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What a pleasant surprise.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:03 am
by noctifyre
I'm sure a lot of us tend to have copies of the UK cross-stitching magazines and I believe I made a post along these lines a long time ago... anyways, I've always been trying to find plastic sheet protectors to put the patterns from CSG and whatnot into... but it's a bit difficult since UK magazine pages tend to be a different size than the ones we use in the US.

However, not long ago at a sort of Japanese equivalent of a dollar store (where everything is a dollar-fifty and up) I found some nice binders with the sheet protectors built in that fit the pattern pages perfectly. :)

So if you have the same problem I do, try seeing if you possibly have a 'Daiso Japan' in your area. For the price and overall usefulness, it's a small price to pay for the convenience of not having to trim down your pages to make it work. :wub:

Re: What a pleasant surprise.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:57 pm
by Mary Kay
I love these and have a bunch of them my husband got for me.