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Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:29 pm
by adellar
Hi. I'm Annie. I used to stitch regularly but took a hiatus. Now I mix between knit, crochet and sewing

Recently got back into it and got volunteered to make my Sister-in-laws 50th birthday present. It's a dolls house by Pako. I've just started and all going well, apart from squiggly eyes!

I've also got a couple of unfinished projects. A nativity and a Christmas elf fairy by mirabilia. I have loads kitted up ready to go though!

Just thought I'd introduce myself and see if anyone else is working on similar things

I'd post a pic, but can't work out how to yet!

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:02 pm
by Serinde
And a warm welcome from an overcast West of Scotland! :wave: So glad you found us. Why not set up a thread in the SAL section, post a photo, and we can cheer you on as you create your sister--n-law's doll's house?

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:25 pm
by littleturtlegirl
Welcome to the forum from Virginia!!! :wave:

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:13 pm
by fccs
Hello and welcome from Colorado. I'm looking forward to pictures of the doll house and your other WIP's.

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:19 pm
by Oriettait
hello and welcome from Italy :wave:

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 8:03 pm
by adellar
Serinde wrote:And a warm welcome from an overcast West of Scotland! :wave: So glad you found us. Why not set up a thread in the SAL section, post a photo, and we can cheer you on as you create your sister--n-law's doll's house?

I'd love to. But what's a SAL and how do I post pics?

I can't believe I've had such a warm welcome from all over the world. I feel lucky that so many people have popped in to say hello

Thank you all.

Ps. Only just worked out how to reply to a message. I'm not a computer whizz!

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:48 pm
by jocellogirl
Hi there from Brum :wave:
A SAL is a Stitch-A-Long which is where we all post pictures of what we're stitching. If you click on 'Board index' at the top of the page, the menu of all the sections of the forum will come up. Stitch-A-Long is the fourth one down where you can see what we're all working on.

As for posting pictures, this link will take you to the thread where all is explained. If you get stuck, just shout and someone will be bound to help you.

Good luck :lol: :shamrock:

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:38 pm
by LastingAllure
Welcome from Canada! I am sure you will find the forums very helpful and knowledgeable as well as enabling and fun :whoop: Can't wait to see your Mira Elf :) I am working on multiple Miras and Nora Corbetts at the moment.

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:44 pm
by freelady
Welcome from the equally rainy East Midlands. This is the friendliest group you are likely to find.

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:48 pm
by Squirrel
:wave: Hi Annie and Welcome from me too in beautiful sunny Brisbane Australia. A lovely fresh morning before a warmer than usual day and I am off to the veranda soon to try and get some more stitching done on my current WIP (called Fujian).

Your 2 UFO's (unfinished objects) sound lovely, especially the Christmas Fairy and I am sure the Dolls House will be a lovely challenge for you to stitch. :D

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:29 am
by adellar
Morning all

Thank you to everyone!

I've managed to upload a thread to SAL for the dolls house. Photo bucket was a new experience though!

I've stitched on and off for 20 odd years. I've big things planned as always. It's great seeing other peoples creations too.

I might be a bit slow responding. Pc is poorly and everything is being uploaded from my iPhone.....

Other things I forgot to mention were, I'm recently 40, married, have an almost 21 year old, 3 dogs, nurse by profession, gardener and rugby fanatic. Also I'm off work due to a ruptured Achilles. No longer in plaster cast now an aircast boot!

Thank you all for such a warm welcome.

So that's me, where can I find all your pics of progress?

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:08 am
by Serinde
My DH tore his achilles (twice -- don't ask) some years back, and was in a cast for some time. :tizzy: Not fun. But... does mean stitching time... :D Rugby fans in this house, too. League or Union?

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:25 am
by adellar
Serinde wrote:My DH tore his achilles (twice -- don't ask) some years back, and was in a cast for some time. :tizzy: Not fun. But... does mean stitching time... :D Rugby fans in this house, too. League or Union?

This is my second. Last year I did my left. This year my right....

I get antsy if I'm on my bum too long, luckily I craft tart between sewing, knit and crochet. This design is my priority at the moment as I want it all to be done ready. Not a last minute job. I hate rushing, but do it frequently! What are you sewing?

As for rugby - Union! Season ticket to local club, Bedford Blues, yay, what about you?

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:33 am
by Serinde
Definitely Union! Leicester, as there's not much to chose from in this part of the world since professionalisation. Locally, Strathendrick and West of Scotland (of course; sons played on youth teams for both). We watch a lot of Southern Hemisphere rugby... love NZ teams.

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:40 am
by adellar
Serinde wrote:Definitely Union! Leicester, as there's not much to chose from in this part of the world since professionalisation. Locally, Strathendrick and West of Scotland (of course; sons played on youth teams for both). We watch a lot of Southern Hemisphere rugby... love NZ teams.
Yup. My friend managed to score some tickets for the rugby World Cup next year! So we are going to see a match in Milton Keynes and one at the Olympic stadium! Something to look forward too

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 11:18 am
by poppy
A warm welcome from Surrey, Annie! :) I am new too. I am looking forward to seeing your projects too.

Re: Hello from rainy England!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 4:34 pm
by wendywombat
Belated Hello from me in SW France. Retired here from the Bristol area 15 yrs ( :shock: ) ago!! We are about an hours drive north of Toulouse.

We are waiting for summer to arrive here :tizzy: so I'm stitching indoors.

Jump in and chat away to your hearts content! Beats working, but I'm sorry to hear about the Achilles Tendon...OUCH!!
!!! Perhaps jumping isn't such a good idea!! :doh: !!!