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Just Cross Stitch Magazine- A teensy bit irritated

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:23 pm
by natural_isis
First, sorry I haven't been active in a while. Life's been a bit crazy. I have lurked a lot and have greatly enjoyed seeing all the great projects you all have going. You're all doing some beautiful work and my continually expanding stash thanks you.

Now to my not quite a rant, really more of a "was this really necessary" topic.

I just received my new copy of Just Cross Stitch magazine. Now, before I begin, let me say that I really enjoy this magazine. It has a lot of projects that I would love to do once I finish the hundred or so that are already waiting in line. I was flipping through it when right in the center, in fact, right between two pages of a pattern is a clothing catalogue. Not just an ad, but an actual catalogue stapled into the magazine.

I have to admit, part of me wants to say, "Okay, publication costs are probably rising and this is the price for keeping a magazine I enjoy in business." Then there's the other part that says, "You put a @#!#& clothing catalogue in the middle of my cross stitch magazine!"

Just curious as to how any others of you that get the actual paper copy of this magazine feel about it.

Personally, I pulled it out, mashed the staples back in place and threw the entire catalogue into the recycling bin. My cross stitch magazine is once again a cross stitch magazine and not an outlet mall.

Hope everyone has a great stitching weekend! :D

Re: Just Cross Stitch Magazine- A teensy bit irritated

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:24 pm
by Corey.G
I don't get magazine subscriptions, but when I do buy magazines I hate any type of the card as things that are stuck in. I find too when I get cross stitch magazines from the store I do get irritated when you see a totally unrelated ad. I think that in general was what put me off buying magazines in general.

Re: Just Cross Stitch Magazine- A teensy bit irritated

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:05 am
by curly sue
I used to get those catalogs inside the quilting magazine I subscribed to. I didn't mind as they were for clothing I might buy. That said, I think all mags are overloaded with ads these days. I think the net is killing them. I don't subscribe to any now and am about to wash my hands of buying any. Oh and I don't like those cards that fall out all the time!

Re: Just Cross Stitch Magazine- A teensy bit irritated

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:05 pm
by Allyn
I was getting JCS in a PDF subscription, but I let it lapse. I don't get hard-copy magazines anymore, but when I did, I didn't read them until they were 'cleaned out.' I'd turn the magazine upside down and flip through it to let all those loose cards fall out, then I'd flip through the magazine and tear out all the cards that were perforated to the binding. I must have stopped getting magazines by the time they started putting actual catalogs inside them, or I'da taken them out, too.

Re: Just Cross Stitch Magazine- A teensy bit irritated

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:35 pm
by fccs
Allyn wrote:I didn't read them until they were 'cleaned out.' I'd turn the magazine upside down and flip through it to let all those loose cards fall out, then I'd flip through the magazine and tear out all the cards that were perforated to the binding.
I do the same thing with magazines I receive. The Economist and The Atlantic Monthly always have the little cards inside and they just annoy me for some reason.

Re: Just Cross Stitch Magazine- A teensy bit irritated

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:39 am
by wendywombat
Reminded me of when I used to buy my magazines from a shop....there were always bits of card and advertising junk lying in the bottom of the racks where people had shaken the magazine Before buying!! :tantrum:

Who'd be a newsagent eh? :doh: :tizzy: