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No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:32 pm
by Carole
I had a bit of a mishap earlier. I decided to use my brand new mandoline to do the veggies for the salad. Big mistake. Within seconds I'd taken a deep slice out of my finger. It's about 1cm across and it would not stop bleeding. I've got it covered with gauze, tape, and bandages at the moment and I'm scared to uncover it in case it's still bleeding eight hours later. It is really painful so I can't garden, stitch or even type properly.

I'm desperate to do some stitching but as it's the index finger on my dominant hand, I can't hold a needle.

I can't believe that I was so clumsy :oops: :cry:

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:52 pm
by rcperryls
:( :bandaid: though you probably need more than a gauze, tape and bandages if its still bleeding. Stitches! are probably called for. And then you can get something for the pain too. there are some good topical ointments/creams that can help. Maybe a trip to the ER but at least a call to the doctor's office tomorrow. And I wouldn't take it off unless you are bleeding through the bandage. Especially if the gauze is sticking to it.
And yes you will probably need to check in to the Cross Stitcher's Ward where all meals are prepared deliciously and the drinks have a wonderful anesthetic effect on all sore body parts.


Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:54 pm
by Allyn
OMG! As soon as you said a mandoline was invloved, I knew what you were going to say next and cringed as I continued reading. A flap laceration bleeds profusely. Ask me how I know. :cry:

Clean it well, apply a good triple antibiotic and bandage it. Maybe an aspirin for the pain.

I am so sorry that happened. :bandaid: :hug:

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 11:23 pm
by Squirrel
Ooouuucchhhhhhh. What a horrible mishap. I do hope it heals quickly and you can get back onto stitching and other things you need to do. Sending :wub: :pray: :wine: to help you along. :D

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:35 am
by pattiebelle
Oh, no! How awful.Please take care of it, even if you have to see a doctor for pain and to fight infection and maybe to stitch it up.

I used one of those, too. It was advertised to be safe because of the shielded blades. But I don't think so! Hopefully you can get your money back...


Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:36 am
by fccs
Oh no!! If it's still bleeding maybe a visit to the doc is in order.

I've heard so many similar horror stories about mandolin slicers I'm afraid to even look at one in the store!

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 3:06 am
by Allyn
fccs wrote:...I've heard so many similar horror stories about mandolin slicers I'm afraid to even look at one in the store!
In defense of the slicer, I have two and I love them. I wouldn't want to give them up. I also have a deli-style meat slicer. As in all things, the lessons we learn best from our mistakes are the ones that cost the most or hurt the most (or bleed the most, as it turns out).

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:19 am
by Carole
Ta for the sympathy and advice :)

It has stopped bleeding now, although I can't get the dressing off. I've soaked my finger and got most of it off but I've had to cut it around the wound as the dressing is very firmly attached to that.

I don't think there's much the doctor could do with it. There's a whole chunk of finger missing so nothing to stitch together. Painwise, I'd rather not take anything as it's only a year since I weaned myself off the codeine.

I've lobbed some antiseptic gel at it and am managing with a plaster on it at the moment. It's not too bad as long as I remember not to use it :roll:

Currently very frustrated (and hungry) as I've put my breakfast shake in the nutribullet and can't open it again to get my breakfast out. The husband will be home soon so I'll have to wait for him to get it open. Gaaah!

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:38 am
by richardandtracy
Never heard of one of those, had to look it up as the only Mandoline I had ever heard of is a stringed instrument related to the Lyre.

Those grater/slicers look awful, far more dangerous than standard one. I've grated away parts of my index finger on a standard one - hurt like anything, so I can sympathise and hope you get better soon.



Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:35 am
by wendywombat
:bandaid: :doh: Oh No!! I've done that too!!!
About 3 years ago whilst cutting carrots I took a chunk off the top off my ring finger in my right hand! :tizzy:

I now have a scar across the top of that finger, no fingerprint there so I'll use that finger if I decide to commit burglary!!! :lol:

Time to learn how to stitch left-handed I think!! :hug:

I no longer use my mandolin since buying a food processor...even More Dangerous!! :roll:

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:16 pm
by Fizzbw
Poor Carole!! I hope you heal quickly and get the rest of the dressing off!!

I find All kitchen utensils dangerous, I've done more damage with a common or garden cheese grater......and my sister once stick her finger in a blender....stupidity in her case!!

I hope you can find a way to stitch, I managed once when Id had my stitching finger mangled in a shetlands teeth and got going witha. Style rather like some posh person drinking tea but with the index finger hooked rather than the little one.

Niki xxx

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:04 am
by stitch_me
Dang those buggers are sharp; I dont use mine much anymore. I had a cut on my dominant hand index finger once and stitched with my other fingers. It looked funny and was slower going but it worked. Hope your finger heals quickly.

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:04 am
by karen4bells
:tizzy: So very very sorry to hear that. I hope you heal up quickly!!

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 9:37 pm
by Carole
Thanks all :)

The good news is that I've finally got the gauze out of the wound. (salt water and cotton buds - gotta love Google) The bad news is that it started it bleeding again although not nearly as bad as it was originally. I took no chances this time and wrapped it with cling film until it clotted and now have a large plaster on it. I'll keep changing the plaster with generous applications of antiseptic gel for a while.

Still can't stitch as it's just where I'd hold the needle and as I sew two-handed anyway, it wouldn't help to use the other hand.

On the plus side, my Fitbit stats are booming as I keep getting fidgety not being able to sew or crochet etc, so I've been going for walks instead :P

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:40 pm
by MelindaH
Carole wrote:On the plus side, my Fitbit stats are booming as I keep getting fidgety not being able to sew or crochet etc, so I've been going for walks instead :P
:lol: :applesauce:

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:20 am
by wendywombat
Well at least something good has come out of it!! :applesauce: :D

Re: No stitching for me for a few days

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:24 pm
by Serinde
There's a silver lining to all clouds, obviously! :ratherbe: