How was your day?

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How was your day?

Post by Flan »

What did you do?

What score would you give it out of 10?


I got into work early, and spent the whole day with my head down, going through a subcontractor's account. Then, at lunchtime, I checked in here, and it cheered me up so much.

Then home, fed the cat, and popped out to the local shopping centre, and bought some scrummy chocolate.

I give it a 7/10 - but my hubbie is away at the mo, and I'm missing him.
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Re: How was your day?

Post by Angel »

Mitzy woke me up at 5 again *cries pathetically and tiredly*

I put on a warm top because my bedroom was freezing, but now I'm really hot.

I got to work, put top gear on and I swear it's been the same one for the last three days :(

Went onto my other forum Mene and my friend star hasn't replied to our game, plus I got more people complaining to me about things in my stickied threads...

Then I signed on here and the my sanity returned ^_^

Not bad considering I've only been awake 4 hours :P

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Re: How was your day?

Post by Busy_B »

My daughter and I had a quiet day at home. My son started his first day of school ever today! He's been home with me for almost 6 years. I've been completely wiped out, so I haven't been able to work on the eagle for my hubby at all today. I'm hoping to work on Footprints tonight if I'm not too tired. I probably won't get much stitching done this week since I have to get the house ready for my daughter's birthday party on Saturday.

Overall, 6 or 7/10.
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Re: How was your day?

Post by sammy_v »

I aint done anything today, not feeling to good so im stayed im my pjs and surfed the web n tried to chill out. Watch abit of tv and then had a chat to Lee's mum about going to a craft/stitch show. Showed pics of new stash on here n been talking to lovely people on here all day.

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Re: How was your day?

Post by suehoward59 »

Got up at 7.30 am to watch olympics then went back to bed around 9 ish my fella was still there he needs his sleep for night shift so i cuddles in beside him and slept till 11 then got up and tidied up.

played on computer till around 3 then went to make some mars bar cake and some cheese scones for my guy.

he made the tea tonight so i watched a bit of tv then when he went to work i did some cross stitch that i have just added to the gallery and now chatting on here to my son and his fiance.

I would say a regular chill out day so would give it 9/10...........

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Re: How was your day?

Post by ~threadbear~ »

My first day cleaning for my inlaws today. FIL has parkinsons and MIL is disabled and getting worse.
Started this morning and did just under 4 hours and cleaned the whole house (bunglow) for them, moving furniture around and getting into all the nooks and crannys and up on the tops of things they can't reach etc ... was worn out when I got home! :lol:
Not feeling too well today so found it hard, but they were so pleased I came home feeling good.
Gave the boys the day off lessons today, so they could have their friends over for the day :shock: so made them all lunch when I got home, sorted all the animals out and went to the post office, popped into my Mum's to check her house while she's away. (I'm looking after her rabbit as well and her dog is living with me).
Came home did some cleaning here :shock: and then made tea for everyone.

Oh, and I was very naughty today and bought myself a cross stitch magazine. :oops:
I try not to do it as they aren't exactly cheap, but I'm really enjoying looking through it.

Anyhow, washing up, chat to hubby and do a few bits for him, dog walking and sorting out of sons and I'm going to try and decide on my next project now as well.
I'm itching to stitch again.
I'm torn between doing an AOY kit that's been staring at me for months, or carrying on with my experiments. :thinks:

Anyhow 8/10
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Re: How was your day?

Post by Skattiekat »

Been really lazy today. Did some backstitching, (can't wait to get the beads on and finish my Autumn Queen).

Should have gone to exercise class this lunch time at the hospital but didn't make it. First time I've missed and won't do again. :oops:

Arranged an evening out with 2 girl friends for next week where I used to live in Hampshire, then came on here and feeling much brighter now.
(Partner working this evening and not good on my own at the moment).

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Re: How was your day?

Post by lacemaker2004 »

I spent the day in meetings or prep'ing for other meetings. I also found out that I now have three meetings stacked up at the same time. But when I came home I found Ellie putting more weight on her back paw so hopefully she's healing and we can avoid surgery so the day is about a 9.5.
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Re: How was your day?

Post by redrose »

Well I feel like Ive been had by my son and soon to be Daughter in law. We gave them $2500 to help pay for their wedding as they are struggling. Last night they rang and asked if I would book them 2 seats to fly to Queensland for 2 nights holiday.($250 each) Needless to say I am furious and I have refused to do it. I have a horrible feeling there may be a big blowup before this wedding.No more opening the pockets for them.
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Re: How was your day?

Post by mauveme »

Had a pretty good day. Went with my boss to pick up supplies for the shop. She was in a good mood (she had just bough a 42" plasma TV at a fantastic price)so I didn't have to listen to too much angst. Went to an organic market in Oakville (about 40 min drive) and bought the most fantastic scones. one was fruit and the other pumpkin. Took her back home and came home to stitch for the rest of the nite. Finished the biscornu I started latelast nite. Give it a 7.5out of 10 (Went to the post office to mail out 4 small exchanges. That cost $34. It cost more to mail the packages in Canada (one in the same province) that it is to send to the UK. :x )
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Re: How was your day?

Post by RosemaryH »


Which AOY kit has been staring at you?

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Re: How was your day?

Post by grub72 »

Took my daughter to the doctors, got a good result on x ray but she is still very sick, i cant ebven concentrate as i think she is going to get worse everytime, even tho she is on medication now i stil lthink the worse.
Home now and even tho she is nice and warm i dont want to pick up my other daughter as i dont want to leave her,,i hope she gets better soon
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Re: How was your day?

Post by dollystitcher »

My daughter and I had the great (ha ha) idea :idea: of moving all the furniture round in the living room. Sounded simple enough. Started at 9.30am and by the time we had moved the furniture, sorted all the wiring out on PC, TV and Lizards vivarium,etc it was 3pm and we were both absolutly shattered :!: :!: :!: :lol: :lol:

Did manage to do a little bit of stitching though so chilled out later. :) So 8/10

Redrose, I am so sorry for your troubles. It's not nice when people we love try to take advantage is it? Hope it all works out ok. :wub: :wub:

Grub, you must be terribly worried about your daughter and my heart goes out to you. Try to say positive and remember we are all here if you need someone to talk to. :wub:
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Re: How was your day?

Post by agi »

Oh, Grub, isn't it the worst thing when you see the little ones suffer, especially when doctors can't even tell what the problem is! I really hope she gets better soon! ((hugs))

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Re: How was your day?

Post by Serinde »

Spent most of yesterday worrying (not like me). Eldest son has two exam results going for appeal, but has lost his place at university because they can only confirm a place with results in hand. Doesn't mean he won't get a place through Clearing eventually, but it can't be progressed at all. DH's job at (different) university in doubt, we will know in a month whether 20 years has led to redundancy. However, on the up side, Son at University but Home for Summer has two jobs and has stepped up to the plate, as it were. And my editing is going well. Plus Eldest Son is with the TA Summer Challenge and loving it (currently in Folkestone, where 'they all talk funny'. Aye, right; that's a stunner, coming from a Scot! :lol: ). And I was able to do some stitching last night on the Ink Circle carpet page.
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Re: How was your day?

Post by ~threadbear~ »

RosemaryH wrote:Threadbear

Which AOY kit has been staring at you?

'On the promenade'

It's one I found in the charity shops. It was marked as £6.95 new and the charity shop had priced it as £3.49. All brand new, so can''t be bad.

Grub, I really hope the doctors find out what is wrong for your daughter soon. Inflamation on the oesophageous if mild is something alot of people have anyway (just to put your mind at rest), but she sounds very poorly, poor little girl ~ so I hope this course of medication sorts things out for her. Sending her and you big (((HUGS))) as it's awful when your child is ill and you're so worried.
Please let us know how she gets on won't you.

Serinde, hope things get sorted soon. Two to worry over isn't fun. It just makes it hard when things are up in the air and unsettled. At least once you know the score you can deal with whatever the situation os, but it's the not knowing how it's going to pan out that's the worst of it I think.
Thinking of you!!

Redrose, that isn't too fair of them is it. I hope they sit back and really think about what they're doing. It's wonderful that you are helping them out but no one likes to be taken advantage of.
Hopefully they'll realise and things will improve.

Lacemaker, good news about Ellie!! :applesauce:
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Re: How was your day?

Post by Mabel Figworthy »

Yesterday morning and early afternoon:

Cleaned the kitchen
Dusted the house
Changed the bed linen

definitely 0/10! It's not the housework itself that I dislike, it's the fact that it keeps coming back, and that it does my back in :-(. Oh well, it has to be done.

rest of afternoon: Stitched niece's birthday card and made some other stitching into cards. 9/10 (would have been 10/10 if it had included stash shopping :-))

evening: cook dinner and off to a vintage car club meeting because I am going to be their webmaster. 90 mins talking as nobody seems to be quite clear who is responsible for what, and the last thing I want to do is voluntarily look after their site and then find that I am editor in chief as well as webmaster :shock: ! 5/10

Today: catching up on the forum 10/10, doing the accounts 6/10 (I rather enjoy doing the accounts on the whole -- sad person...), later today look into the system used by car club's website and get to grips with it. Not sure what score to give that as it's a nice challenge but also a bit annoying becuase if I'd written the website in the first place I wouldn't need to get to grips with this program, which is cumbersome and puts in a lot of unnecessary things :-( -- so the jury is still out on today's score :-)

On a positive note, DH has just got the 1925 Austin running (of sorts) and is getting it MOT-ed for our trip to Holland!
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Re: How was your day?

Post by Kute Kitty »

Bloody hell.

The Day (the part of it that I was at work) was pretty good, actually. I was on reception in the afternoon but people on the whole were polite, including the Polish guy who apologised for his English (actually very good) while being shouted at by his girlfriend. In Polish.

After I got home, things got bad.

The screw thingy that holds on the front part of the drawer had broken on one of our kitchen drawers. I found this out when I tried to open the drawer and it almost came off in my hand. So I got a screwdriver to take the drawer apart (kicked over a bin in the process), took it apart (nearly breaking it), went to B&Q to get the new part (had to buy a bunch of other bits that I really don't need in order to get it), started to put it back together, the front of the drawer slipped out of my hand and it broke. More-or-less fixed it, with the help of a staple gun. Came on the computer to see what's been going on in the virtual world, and found out my eBay account's been hacked. Nothing bad, just some annoying/spammish emails sent out in my name, but...on the whole, I've had better days.

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Re: How was your day?

Post by CarolinaGirl »

Lets see......I took the day off from work- that was nice! I washed my sheets, gave Miss Lady (my dog) a bath, cleaned my bathroom....cleaned a little more. I did lay on a float in my pool for about an hour and half. But I never did stitch until tonight for about a couple of hours. Just watch Mr. Micheal Phelps win another gold medal!!! :dance:

Now I am getting ready to hit the hay, its back to work for me I guess my day was about 8. Can't complain!

Have a great day tomorrow!!!!! :sun:
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Re: How was your day?

Post by Mabel Figworthy »

I was hoping for a sunny day so I could have my shopping expedition to Leamington Spa, but we woke up to grey skies and rain, so I did the ironing, sorted out the computer which had gone wrong again, and am about to clean the bathroom and the downstairs cloakroom. :-(

On the up-side, I've put Agi's bingo prize together, and playing with stash is always a cheering occupation :-).
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