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What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:18 pm
by Nicola Main
I have two and I couldn't imagine stitching without them. The first are my two boxes of the 447 DMC threads I received for my birthday two years ago. It was from a website called Leisurecraft Tewkesbury and I saw them in a World of Cross Stitching magazine and just knew I would love them. It meant instead of buying kits all the time I could start projects in magazines and charts as well :dance:


My second is a more recent purchase I made after seeing them on Mabel's Fancies website. I was needing a new pair of scissors so decided to treat myself and they are the best scissors ever! I love the colour, the size, the little flower pattern, the sharpness of them and the fact they have a little cover for safety. First rate and highly recommend them! ;)


So what's your best stitchy purchase and why?

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:58 am
by richardandtracy
May 2000 'PCPlus' magazine.
Sounds odd, I know, but bear with me.

I had no idea then about stitching, but the cover CD included a copy of the Borland C++ Builder compiler, which enabled me to write computer programs. I used the compiler until June last year, by which time I had written my own chart conversion program in the period 2011 to 2016. That magazine must rate as my best ever stitchy purchase, even if it seems a bit off the wall.



Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:22 pm
by rcperryls
My 5" LED Floor / Table Mag Light by Daylight. Without it I would never be able to stitch on fabrics with a count higher than 18 I'm sure and I love the 25 and 28 counts for my big HAEDs and 32 ct linens for Lizzie Kates and others which are over 2. Also Hardanger projects would be more difficult. I'm actually on my second one because I broke the neck of the first one. Can't imagine getting along without it now!


Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:28 pm
by fccs
Mine is probably the same as Carole's, the mag/light. I bought it four years ago and love it still. (The neck on mine is not broken, yet, thanks to some duct tape surgery.). I think a runner up might be a clip-on mag/light that I can attach to Snaps or hoops when traveling. I have lots of tools and frames and stands, but w/o the magnifiers and lights, I wouldn't be able to use them as often.

I think third place winners would be my computer and iPad (they tied for third) because without them, I would not have met all the great people here who inspire and teach and share.

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:48 pm
by BizzieLizzie
Ooh, that's a tricky one. Am I allowed two? I think I would have to say my Lowery floorstand and Daylight mag/lamp as without them there's no way I could stitch two handed on 28 count. Of course, I couldn't do without ANY of my stitchy stuff but I'm guessing it would be cheating to say 'all of it'. :D

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:26 pm
by isaacson72
It's got a long name on amazon -- LIGHT IT by Fulcrum 20072-401 12 LED Wireless Magnifier Adjustable Floor Lamp with Adaptor -- but basically it's an LED floor lamp/magnifier with an adjustable arm for positioning. I couldn't live without it, now! My mother came over & loved it so much that she bought one, and same with a good friend of mine who also stitches.

Other than that, every stash delivery is my favorite stash delivery. :D

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:24 pm
by mauveme
My first computer, it put me in touch with the world of cross stitching, and all the incredible charts and supplies available. Broadened my horizons on what I was capable of doing, and , of course, this group.

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:43 am
by Mabel Figworthy
Oooh, that's a difficult one. For quality, ease of use and just downright desirability I'd say my Millenium frame and lap stand - but in terms of what I use most it's my collection of fabrics and threads!

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:16 am
by Podolyanka
Mine was buying the first two DMC thread storage boxes (now I have 8 -by 7 main colours of threads plus one working box) which forever solved the problem of organizing threads.

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:46 pm
by wendywombat
Mabel Figworthy wrote:Oooh, that's a difficult one. For quality, ease of use and just downright desirability I'd say my Millenium frame and lap stand - but in terms of what I use most it's my collection of fabrics and threads!
Exactly mine too. Worth the wait and the money... :dance: :dance:

That and my Purelite 4-in-1 Crafters Magnifying Lamp too means I can stitch for longer. :whoop:

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 10:34 pm
by fiddler
My best Stitchy buy was my first cross stitch magazine. I proved to myself that being left handed was not a hinderence to stitching.I now have a hobby I love and I have met all you wonderful people who encourage and enable.

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 10:21 am
by Athalie
Mine would be my new magnifying lamp which magnifies 5 times and make things so much easier. Second would be the 2 metres of 32 ct. linen I found at an op shop and cost me $A1

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:08 pm
by poppy
Mine would be my Q-Snap frame and my magnifying lamp too :D

Re: What's the best stitchy purchase you've ever made?

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:52 am
by kevona
My magnifying lamp