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Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:44 pm
by HannahM
I'm Hannah, just joined. Been looking for a chatty website for a while. I joined another forum several months ago & although I was made welcome only a few people joined in daily & it did not seem to flow. Then I joined two others on craft suppliers web pages but they were mostly questions & wanted or exchanging items. Am really hoping this will be 4th time lucky.

Past year has been a roller coaster & I lost my way regarding cross stitch. Hoping to get back on right track now. Started several projects but lost concentration, made a mess of them so they ended up in the bin! Just kept knitting plain blankets for animal beds to keep my hands busy. But, have now got a kit all sorted out to start stitching. Do not know exactly when I will start it though. Probably in the next week or two.It is Janlynn Autumn Sentiments. Mostly do kits, have several Anchor & Dimensions put away, well more than several quite a few to be honest! They seem to multiply rather quickly!

Asked a friend a couple of things I was a little unsure about under your heading how to add pictures. Rather jumping the gun as I do not have any but hope to once I get start stitching again.

Hope this isn't too long for my first post.


Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:00 pm
by rcperryls
:wave: Hi Hannah and welcome to the forum from South Carolina! You have definitely found a fairly chatty website. A little slow now because of summer (except for our Southern hemisphere friends) and more time outside. I think you have been 4th time lucky. Take your time and read through our different sections. The General section covers whatever doesn't fit into the others. Stitch-a-long is where members post about their own projects. Some of us have several. Whatever works best for you.

Life can be a roller coaster at times and cross stitch bugs often find that is the time they go adventuring and leave us. Eventually they come back. Sounds like you have a really lovely kit to start working on. One thing you will quickly discover is that most of us have several (or lots more than several) projects in our stashes. I am sure I have enough charts, thread, fabrics etc to last a few lifetimes. Be warned that we have a serious habit of enabling each other to accumulate a lot of stash.

Please feel free to ask any questions you have. Someone here is probably going to either know the answer or have a good idea where to go to find the answer.

Looking forward to getting to know you and watch your project progress.
And believe me, I don't think you had a long post. I appreciate your taking the time to tell us a bit about yourself.


Re: Hi

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 9:32 pm
by mags
Hi Hannah and welcome.

Looking forward to seeing your stitchy progress as and when. And yes I think most of us have a multitude of kits or supplies - I certainly have and I am not averse to buying more :lol:

You have certainly come to the right place :D

Re: Hi

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:44 am
by Serinde
:wave: Welcome to the forum from the West of Scotland! So glad you found us. I usually hang out at the Stash & Grab, myself -- our virtual pub, which serves possibly the best hot chocolate and freshly squeezed lemonade in the known universe. Been spending a lot of time in the tree house by the loch -- cooler there! 8)

Re: Hi

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:37 am
by Mabel Figworthy
Welcome to the Forum! We have quiet times occasionally, but there's usually someone around, and it is the most encouraging place ever.

Oh, just a thought - perhaps because it's a forum, it's not as "chatty" as, say, a Facebook group, where you often have an instantaneous reply or reaction. so I suppose it's just a slightly different dynamic - but a great place to be nonetheless!

Re: Hi

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 10:54 am
by HannahM
Thank you all for the welcome.

i would love to sit somewhere cool & enjoy a nicely chilled lemonade & lime. Did notice how easy it would be to buy many more kits when I saw the pictures of the Highland cattle. Very cute.

I do not go on Facebook or Twitter. Tried each a few years ago but was not sure about security, you hear so many stories about stolen identities. I thought there is more input on this forum than others. But as mentioned at times there will be less posts as people go away on main holiday times.

Will read through a few more topics to learn my way round here.

Thank you.


Re: Hi

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:25 pm
by wendywombat
:wave: welcome from me too in STEAMY HOT SW France.
It's good to see a newbie here. Especially someone who has been tempted to buy Yet Another kit. :lol: We call it SABLE. Stash acquisitions begin life expectancy!
I'm guilty of that! :tizzy:
Looking forward to seeing you here often at the Very Best and Friendliness place EVER. :whoop:

Re: Hi

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:40 pm
by HannahM
Thank you. Interesting reading about SABLE. There must be many things on here which appeal when shown on new acquirement.

Now you have put on the friendliness of this forum it by saying VBAFPRE but does not form a word like SABLE. Not sure if that would count or not but is does add something special about this forum :)

So many tips on here. Good to read so as to keep up latest ways of doing things. Have dipped a toe into that topic this morning but still more for me to read & learn.

Re: Hi

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:40 pm
by karen4bells

Hello and welcome to the forum from a very HOT Florida!!

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:44 pm
by HannahM
Thank you

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:05 pm
by poppy
Hello Hannah :wave:
I am glad that you are going to join us. I find that posting progress photos always "spurs"me on to carry on stitching. A lot of us use the site Postimage to post photos. I is quite straightforward.

Happy stitching! :)

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:49 pm
by luv2craft2
Hi Hannah :wave: I only joined a beginning of the year but have been made very welcome. T Am sure you will it on here too. :D

Look forward to seeing what you make.

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:26 pm
by HannahM
Thank you

Re: Hi

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:36 am
by richardandtracy
Welcome to the forum.

We are moderately chatty here. Things have been a bit slow since returning after the forum was hacked twice earlier this year. Fortunately Alex has now upgraded the software, so it should be safer from a repeat. Anyway, we are back and slowly things are getting back to where they were.

We don't exclusively concentrate on bought items - it is more fun sometimes to create from scratch. Do check out Vanessajf's work as she is absolutely remarkable in the speed and complexity of the work she does.

If you want to create your own charts and have a PC, the program in my signature is one I wrote to generate charts either from scratch or from almost any digital image you have. Basically, all options are open.

Anyway, have fun here. I look forward to seeing your work.

Yep, that's right, a bloke who does cross stitch.

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 10:28 am
by HannahM
Thank you for welcome message & information. Will look into it another time as today is 3rd day I have headache due to thundery heat.

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:32 am
by richardandtracy
Hope they clear up soon. My youngest daughter suffers quite badly from them too; I can sympathize as they seem horrible. With my daughter, no medication helps, either. Just want to help, but short of waving a magic wand to get the thunder to dissipate some way or other, there is nothing.

All the best,


Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:53 pm
by HannahM
Thank you. Hope your daughter feels OK at the moment with the very hot weather. Real nuisance when the headaches occur. As said in another reply I am getting kits sorted out in readiness. Sewing lines on fabric for when I do start & sorting out coloured threads. Easy work but keeps me occupied at the moment. Will start stitching properly soon. First few days I did not do anything at all then sorted some colours out one day & that was fine so carried on.

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:34 pm
by vanessanjf
Hello and welcome :wave: Thanks for the lovely compliment Richard :D and thanks HannahM for you kind comments on my Adoration of the kings. It means a lot!

Re: Hi

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:09 pm
by HannahM
Thank you Vanessa. It was just amazing to see your stitching. I have not been doing anything lately. Got lethargic in this weather. So am hoping to get going once weather is cooler & I can decide what to stitch. Changed my mind a few times!! Now seem to have settled on one but as to stitching that has yet to come. Look forward to seeing your progress though