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Hi another new member

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:27 pm
by catkin
:D Glad to have found a cross stitch forum with so many members from around the world. I'm from Aberdeen Scotland but have lived in Dubai for almost 12 years with husband, 2 grown up kids, 3 cats and a dog. Spend many hours on my own so stitching helps keep me sane. Not many shops here sell needlework supplies. There is one with a selection of fabrics and dmc threads etc. I get the cross stitcher mag. and have also recently bought design soft ware so I can dabble with my own ideas.I love looking at all the stitching sites but daren't buty anything else till I finish all my ongoing projects.
Happy stitching to all.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:51 pm
by Serinde
Hi Catkin

I think we all wear our collection of UFOs like badges of honour! :lol: I can only dream of having so much time to stitch, but perhaps it's a case of the grass being greener, and all that.

Lindagibb is another Scot on this forum, also vaguely out your way.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:01 am
by catkin
I noticed there was a lady from Saudi here. As for the ufo's the worst is 'Maggie the Messmaker' from Dimensions. I made a boo booabout 1/4 way through and was so miffed at myself I set it down and hadn't looked at it until a couple of weeks ago. I'm unpicking a bit everyday and am determined to get going with it again.My favorite is a sampler which was showcased in an old crossstitcher. It's a dmc design which was done for the V&A museum of an Indian elephant. I could't find it anywhere so contacted dmc and they said it was discontinued but if they could find the pattern they would send me a copy which they did at no charge. I was well impressed with the service.
Anyway must get on Talk soon Joan

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:15 am
by lindagibb
:D Hi Joan

What a small world. I live in Saudi but also live not far from you in Scotland, home for me is Fraserburgh. My kids live in Aberdeen, or should I say two do and the third splits her time between Aberdeen and Fraserburgh.
In Saudi we have one shop where we can get DMC threads and Lanarte kits. I tend to buy my stuff on ebay and get it sent to my mum's at home and then collect it when I go home. Also have accumulated a few sites where you can get free charts so if you want to have a look, let me know and I will email my list to you.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:05 am
by catkin
Hi Linda.
What I really crave for is a proper needlecraft/knitting shop, you know one that's stuffed so full you can't see anything for everything!. With all the new shopping malls opening up here you'd think there would be at least one. Al Washia sounds like the one you shop in. It does a Lanarte and a reasonable amount of fabric. floss etc. There is another small shop which specialises in rubber stamping and stencils but they also have some dimensions kits. I have ordered on ebay but the payment was a problem as a couldn't get registered with paypal.I eventually managed to use bid pay.
How long have you lived in Saudi? We've been looking at the Aberdeen web cam this week as there has been snow for the last few days.Funny to say it but it makes me homesick. :cry:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:57 am
by lindagibb
Hi Joan

Know what you mean by craving to rummage round a proper craftshop. I tend to shop in Zamils in Khobar but it is nothing like the ones at home. I had no problem registering for paypal, but then that was maybe because I did it when I was still living at home.

Have been living in Saudi since July 2004, although it will be 8 years in June since DH came out to Saudi.

Got a few photos from home over the weekend showing us the snow. Think I will keep them on the computer and when things get really warm here in the summer have a look at them and imagine rolling about in the snow to cool down. Will try and send you a couple that my son took from his front door in a pm.

Going to a craft morning breakfast today run by the Jubail Ladies Group. Better make sure I have a few riyals with me, as no doubt will come away with a few things.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:37 am
by catkin
Hi Linda,
It's 12 years this summer since we came to Dubai.My husband is an Architect and we came for the Burj Al Arab project. Dubai's changed lots in that time and quite frankly I don't think its for the best. I thought I would never want to go back to the UK but lately I've been thinking otherwise. Only trouble is our kids have had more than half their lives here and look on it as home.
On the craft side there is a group called,I think,Artisans of Dubai who have a fair once a month to showcase their crafts.There are also a few art centres who run courses but I tend to puddle on with things myself.
Enjoy your day.