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Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:39 pm
by helencooke01
Hi all

My other half is trying to get into cross stitch at the mo. He's done some smaller work and now wants to move onto something a little larger. So my question is - has anyone worked any computer generated patterns and were they any good?

The type of patterns he is looking at are like these (ebay link) - ... _500wt_956

I've emailed the seller and she's informed me that all the charts are checked and sampled for quality and that the finished charts have no more than 50 colours.

Does this sound like enough colours to you? I'm worried that, with the detail of the picture, the finished work won't look anything like the picture...

Thanks : )


Re: Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:18 pm
by Ann_
50 colors is absolutely enough. But the danger with computer generated patterns is that the floss colors will not match the picture colors. If you want to start some large project, try to stitch something small from the same author. (To be sure that what you see is what you get).

Re: Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:23 am
by ~threadbear~
I agree the colours are enough, but is it possible to see any testimonials from her previous customers on how well her charts stitch up?

Re: Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:00 am
by vanessanjf
I bought one off ebay of a photo of a japanese geisha but when the chart came it was only 2 pages and about 30 colours. I can't see how that is going to make a realistic looking copy of the photo. I was very disappointed and didn't bother to do it! It didn't cost a lot though! (Plus it smelt a bit funny! Like the guy had been smoking something not quite legal!!).

Re: Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:07 am
by Lessa54
I agree, 50 colours should definitely be enough for a detailed picture. I'd definitely want some testimonials though or to see examples of how it's stitched up from an ebay seller.

I notice that's a chart of a dragon - just a thought, but would a HAED QS be a good idea? Something smaller, and you know it's going to be good quality and detailed.

Re: Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:45 am
by Ann_
Take a look at this one. It is free and reliablе.

Re: Computer Generated Patterns

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:53 pm
by helencooke01
Thanks all for your replies, there are some good ideas here.

Think it might be best to leave the ebay design for now, it seems like a bit of a risk based on some experiences.

We have had a look at the HAED website and there are some lovely designs on there... the only thing I am a bit confused about is that most of the designs seem to be on 25 ct. aida. Does that mean that the stitches will be tiny OR the design will be massive if it's stitched on a lower ct. aida?

Still relatively new to looking for patterns online, does anyone have any ideas of other websites that provide reliable patterns of dragons?

Thanks : )
