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Starting a New project.

Post by PJS0914 »

This is the first time in about 10 years that I have decided to get back into cross stiching. I learned at a very young age by my Mom and Nana, therefore there are a few things that i'm not certain on anymore. I did 2 pic for my mom and mom-in law for christmas but they where prestamped so i just had to follow the directions. Now I went to the store and found 2 new things I want to do but these are patterns out of books and I have no clue how to pick out what size fabric I need let alone where to start. I would just ask my mom who cross stiches everything under the sun but one of the things is a surprise for her. So I don't want her to help me. If theres any advice any of you can give I would be grateful. Thanks.
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Post by lacemaker2004 »

Hi, It's real easy once you get the hang of it. First if you have a local shop, stop by there and they'll be able to help you completely. Lacking that let's try through email. First, the patterns you have choosen should have size listed for various counts. It's usually around the title and the list of threads numbers. If you let me know what it says I can help translate into what size you need. Once we have that established then starting the pattern will be real easy. I always start in the middle since it's the easiest to find on both the fabric and the pattern.
This is a great web site with calculators and tutorials if you get stuck.
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Post by PJS0914 »

thanks for offering to help.

the first one deminsion says 110w x 132h = 7 3/4 x 9 3/8 on 14 count.

the 2nd one states 102w x 90h = 7 3/4 x 6 1/2 on 14 count.

When I found these at the craft store I also picked up some fabric which is 14 count and 12'' x 18'' one for each project and then all the floss because I figured I could figure it out but I don't want to mess it up so i'm kinda scared.

Thanks again. Patti
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Post by mags »

Hello and welcome

Looks like Alyson has got you covered- you are in good hands there!

You might also find our "suggestions for newbies" section (in Tips and Tricks forum) helpful.

I understand your trepidation but once you get going I'm sure you will love it.

Good luck .

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Post by lacemaker2004 »

Thanks Mags!

Okay Patti, you've now rescued me from wrapping and making cookies.! We've also moved into the room that is all Holy....the craft room.....Let's see, The pattern dimensions they give translate fairly well. I like to use 3 inches to either side so that would
project 1: you need 13 3/4 x 15 3/8. square of fabric so the fabric you bought will be a little tight in the one dimension, you'd only have 2 inches on either side Are you planning on framing it?
project 2: you need 13 3/4 x 12 1/2 square of fabric. So your fabric should be fine.

First you'll need to prep the edges of the fabric. I admit to using fray check unless the fabric comes serged. Serging is the best if you have that capability. I would also make a copy of the chart to highlight the areas you've completed as you go.

The center of the pattern should be marked out with arrows or such along the outer edges. Follow those down and note your center stitch. To find the center of the fabric, just fold it in half lengthwise and then again crosswise. I always just pinch it or place a needle into the spot to mark it for myself. I also sometimes will just place the first stitch or at least one leg of it to mark the center.

Being that your still kind of new I would use a hoop or something to hold th fabric tight for your stitching.

You should be ready now to stitch. Just remeber to always watch your tension, not too tight and not too loose and remember the stitches are crossed in the same direction. I do my top leg in the northwest/southeast direction. On project 1 if you can get a slightly bigger piece or if you aren't going to frame it just be extra careful and double check your centering. I've never done it but have heard horror stories about miscalculations.

Did that make any sense?
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Post by PJS0914 »

Thank you so much for the help. The first project that is 110w x 132h is going to be framed. Do you think I dont have enough fabric for that? I never thought of coping so i could highlight where i've done that is a great idea. And also serging is just where you go around the out side so it doesn't fray on you right. And my mom just said that I was sowing to tight on the one I let her look at that is for my mother and law, but it had a lot of backstiching (which I have to say i don't like) and that was making it really tight. I'm realy excited about doing these and welcome all the advice. I want to go back to Joann Fabric and get more to do but my husband just looks at me would it be okay if i just left the fabric the size it came as in #2 and serge the outside and then when i frame it cut it down or leave it alone. Or should i just measure it out now and cut down.
Well enjoy your wrapping if you have gotten to it and hopefully it might be warmer where your at then where i'm at. Its freezing here.
Thanks again!!
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Post by lacemaker2004 »

PJS0914 wrote:Alyson,
Thank you so much for the help. The first project that is 110w x 132h is going to be framed. Do you think I dont have enough fabric for that?
It might be kind of tight. To be safe I'd get a bigger piece.

I never thought of coping so i could highlight where i've done that is a great idea. And also serging is just where you go around the out side so it doesn't fray on you right.
I'm slow and have mulitple projects going so highlighting is the only way for me to go. Yeap, serging is where you go around the edge.

And my mom just said that I was sowing to tight on the one I let her look at that is for my mother and law, but it had a lot of backstiching (which I have to say i don't like) and that was making it really tight.

I hate the backstitching too and try to avoid projects with alot. Try keeping it in a hoop that shoudl help keep the tension even Stop once in awhile and make sure there isn't any puckering or looseness

I'm realy excited about doing these and welcome all the advice. I want to go back to Joann Fabric and get more to do but my husband just looks at me

Welcome to the obsession. You don't want to know how many I've got kitted and waiting and then there are those that haven't been kitted yet and the fabric that has no mate but was just oh so pretty..... :D

So would it be okay if i just left the fabric the size it came as in #2 and serge the outside and then when i frame it cut it down or leave it alone. Or should i just measure it out now and cut down.

That's really up to you. It's not so huge that you'll be fighing the extra fabric.

Well enjoy your wrapping if you have gotten to it and hopefully it might be warmer where your at then where i'm at. Its freezing here.

Well I didn't get the wrapping started but I've just rescued the co-joined Snickerdoodles and the brownies are in the oven. Over the last year I bought a new GE Profile oven with a second oven and a KitchenAid stand mixer so I feel obligated to make cookies this year. As you can tell I'm so good at it that my cookies are co-joined and I ran out of eggs. I'm in New Jersey so it's just disgustingly wet. But it is a good day for finishing the shopping on line, I put up the tree, decorated the house and made cookies and convinced the 45 pound puppy that the world is not coming to an end since a tree sprang up in the family room!

Thanks again!!

keep me posted and let me know if you have any other questions. I usually log in the evening so it may take a bit before you hear from me depending on where you are
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Post by Serinde »

Hi and welcome from the West of Scotland.

lacemaker has offered sterling advice, and I hope you have a wonderful time rediscovering cross-stitch.

I would only say that 2" all around might not be ideal, but it is do-able, especially if you are careful. I have also been known to use masking tape around the edges, but don't tell anyone or my street cred will plummet. I would also suggest humouring the DH in the short term in order to get him used to the increasing amounts of stash you will accumulate now. Ease him in gently, because Jo-Ann's is the least of his worries! :lol: :shock:
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Post by mags »

Serinde wrote:I would also suggest humouring the DH in the short term in order to get him used to the increasing amounts of stash you will accumulate now. Ease him in gently, because Jo-Ann's is the least of his worries! :lol: :shock:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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