how did you start?

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Re: how did you start?

Post by Cora »

I love so many of you started so young!
When i was in my early 20's I decided I wanted to learn to cross stitch, so I ordered a complex kit out of catalog of St George and the Dragon. I taught myself how to cross stitch, that first project I had no idea what I was doing, my stitches went every direction and I miss counted all over it was a mess that I threw out eventually. Later I tried other kits, and bought some books. I started a lot projects and finished very few of them. I got my mom into cross stitching, she used all the charts I bought but never finished. Then I bought a huge kit with a mother tiger and three babies it was so cute. I was taking a 20 hour road trip with some friends and brought it along and finished it on the way home. It felt so good to finish a project. Then I didn't stitch for a few years, then I started buying some kits, and finishing most of them. There would be years when I didn't stitch then I would pic it up a again. I've been on a stitching kick for about a year now. I've finished a couple of really nice patterns, and I am now obsessed with finding charts I like.
I'm glad I found this forum, I've never really had anyone to talk about stitching with but my mom and her eyes have gotten really bad so she can't see to stitch anymore. I've always found that forums are a great way to learn about a hobby or a craft.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by sami51311 »

I started around 10 or 11 years old. My grandmother taught me how over a summer holiday. Everytime I would complete one I would give it to her. When she passed away after my 17th birthday I could not even try to stitch without crying or for a brief moment start to phone her for a suggestion. I eventually stopped after hearing my Grandfather gave to goodwill all of our projects, whether completed or not. The few patterns that I had where sold at a yardsale within the past two years from a mutual storage unit I shared with my mother. Now I have found kindred cross stitchers here.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by richardandtracy »

The school I went to in Germany (was an army brat in the early 1970's) made the class learn Textiles for one term (semester in the US?) while I was 6. We were all required to make place mats embroidered with our initial in large crosses on the fabric. I now know that was on 6 count Aida and it taught us the rudiments of cross stitch, back stitch and a running stitch. Anyway, the teacher decided I was best in class with that project. Didn't happen often, so it stuck in my mind.

I didn't often pick up a needle in the next 40 years, only when needed to repair some clothing or make some dressing up stuff for the kids. My wife hates sewing, so I get delegated.

Creative urges were satisfied by programming, building, carpentry, veneering, metalwork and through an accident, making pens on my metal lathe (was asked to be a moderator in the 'Pen Turning' forum at the 'Fountain Pen Network' and thought I ought to make a pen or two before pontificating on the subject. Nearly 200 pens later, I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it).

During Christmas 2010 I was sitting there, in the livingroom, with a cat on my lap (normal in our house, as it's infested with cats), and was very bored. The weather was foul, but I couldn't go into the workshop because it was cold and pen blanks tend to get brittle below 8C, the workshop is unheated and was only 2C at the time. Also I wanted to be with the family, not stuck in front of the lathe. What could I do?
That was the point when I remembered the cross stich 40 years before.. And realised that 2hrs a night in front of the TV is 600 hrs a year, which is a long time that could be spent stitching.
Onto E-bay and look for kits. I was overwhelmed with twee little kits of crafty tat, cute teddy bears, cute cats and cute cottages and cute (oh so sickeningly cute) babies and cute stuff. Yuk, yuk, yuk.
Eventually I found a kit of a sleeping beauty, rather randomly titled 'Hot and Cold (Horse)', but it wasn't cute and it was both nice, arty and cheap. So I ordered it, not realising the significance of the fact it was 300 x 250 stitches. Started it in mid Jan 2011, having read Jo Verso's 'Complete Cross Stitch Course' which was stuffed full of more cute tweeness (yuk, yuk). 2011 proceeded in the way time usually does, and at 11.59pm on 31 December 2011, I tied off the last stitch. 59000+ stitches completed as my first project:

Quite pleased with it, but it wasn't my real choice of picture as I had picked from a very small pool of non-twee pictures. It had started me off, though.


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Re: how did you start?

Post by Stitchitagain »

Went to a catholic school, art class when I was 10. A nutcracker ornament. Stitched a little here and there. Got a job with a lot of downtime so I restarted. I will stitch pretty much any subject, but the ones I keep for myself are usually fairly large. Halloween, Stoney creek, dragons, angels, tigers, and fairies.
I make quilt squares for charity often with the cute ones. Am going to make my family stockings and quilts in the next couple of years.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by nicki3us »

My momma taught me when I was 11-12 years old. She also taught me to embroider and to sew. Many a night remember seeing her sit with embroidery in her hands and latter see the scarf on a dresser or a tablecloth on our table. She still enjoys doing this today but not as often. She always wanted beauty surrounding her and she has that. Her yard and flower beds are the envy of the neighborhood!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Mischief50 »

I started when I was carpooling to hour each way. Back in the 70s there was a lot of stitching and embroidery being done by ladies I worked with. I never thought I could do any needle work as I am 10 thumbs for sewing but cross stitch let me have some creativity. (I tried embroidery and made a few things but I have forgotten everything and do not have anyone around to "re-teach" me). I used to stitch at lunch, in the car, at night...but then kids, work, and life got in my way. Now that my kids are grown and I am getting close to retirement I have started curious to try some linen or even weave but not sure as my eyes tire easily...I am on the computer all day so stitching at night can be tiring. I did just finish my first project in 10 years...and have another ready to start...and a few UFOs that I sort of kinda started over the years. So we will se where I go from here.

Reading the posts here really has inspired me. So...onward, onward!!!!!

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Re: how did you start?

Post by sarclanat56 »

I was taught all forms of needle craft by my grandmother back in the 60's, i have knitted and crochets many things over the years, but for the past 20+ years its cross stitch that has been and still is my passion.

I used to do just samplers as a girl, but now i am very much into the larger project and have done many of the Lavender and Lace designs, and also one of the big Sandy Littlejohn designs called Summer Ball.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Law_Ram »

My mum taught me when I was around 5. Did these HUGE crosses. I do think mum kept it. I then went on and did some of the figures out of a book that mum had. So I did things like a swimmer with armbands as i was swimming at the time, a rabbit, as i had a pet rabbit and so on.

i then stopped for a bit and picked it up again around 10ish and thats when i started getting patterns etc.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by shelbelle30 »

I started cross stitching when I was around 10 or 11, I taught myself after seeing a Winnie the Pooh bookmark I just had to stitch for my penpal :) It wasn't perfect, it definitely wasn't stitched correctly but she still has it to this day!
Fast forward 20 or so years, I'm stitching and still loving every second of my stitchy time!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by sharestitches »

My mom, who is an avid cross stitcher, taught me and my sister as young children. I took some time off from stitching during college and grad school, but jumped back in once I entered the work force - I found it to be such a stress reliever!
Happy Stitching!

Current WIPs:
  • Faces of Faery #88 (HAED) by Jasmine Beckett Griffith
  • A Light in the Dark (HAED) by Matthew Stewart
  • Once Upon a Time 2014 Sampler by Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Billiejean »

Don't really remember how I started but have been stitching for approx. 40 yrs. Can't imagine having a needle in my hand especially in the evening while TV is on. Sometimes after I hear a commercial 5-6 times I have to look up and see what it is about. Stitching is my meditation! It brings me great joy and peace and has helped me through life. I worried after cataract surgery I wouldn't be able to stitch as things didn't go well but even with some fuzzies floating around I'm able to do my projects. Yippee! :D Happy stitching one and all!
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Re: how did you start?

Post by Amélie Abels »

I can't actually remember how old I was now, but for me the notion to try it out was thanks in part to a friend. They actually bought me a kit with all the trimmings, so to speak, and walked me through the process since up until then I'd only done a bit of textiles at school, and that was more in the realm of making practical things as opposed to working with colour to create an image. The fact they went so far as to ensure I wouldn't be stuck or missing something made me realize how sincere they were about getting into the hobby, and how much fun it clearly must be! :whoop:
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Re: how did you start?

Post by momclips »

Oh my, I knew I had been cross stitching for a long time but didn't really think about how long it has been :D My best friend, in all the world, mother took up the craft when we were just this side of being teenagers and she taught both of us 36 years ago. I still have my first project... a little bunny kit where it was holding a flower. Messed it up and used cream instead of white on part of him and that makes him even more precious now. Looking at what I'm working on now and looking at what I started out with it's amazing what a change there has been in what I work on. I wish I would have taken photos of everything I worked over the years as I've given so much away. I do still have my first ever big book of patterns .... precious moments of course as this was 36 years ago...... and my mother has so many of those still that I did for her. I can remember looking in wonder at my second mom's finished project that inspired us to start ourselves and thinking I could never make anything as lovely and complicated. Now I would work that pattern and think how easy :dance: Even after all these years I still get a thrill with a touch of wonder when the project is all finished, cleaned, and pressed and I step back and look at it. ...... and we are still best friends in all the world and we both still stitch which would thrill her mother to see if she were still alive.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by HoneyBee13 »

My mom taught me when I was 18 and I am now 44. I had just had surgery and board out of my mind. She took me to buy a kit, it was huge. Mh stitches didn't all go in the same direction and I messed up and had to remove stitches, several times. I did finish and had it framed and gave it to my mom. Shortly after finishing I discovered Precious Moments patterns and eventually bought every one I came across.
Still stitch on Aida :? Hoping to learn Stitch on even weave soon.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by tausigma »

I always did needlework, I can't remember how old I was but definitely less than 8 when I already did some cross stitch and other embroidery.
My mother sews amazingly well and can do needlework though she hardly ever does and my grandmother mainly repairs clothing.
I can't remember who actually taught me though. Really Strange, especially as I'm only in my early 30s :)
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Re: how did you start?

Post by mrssstyle »

I started when I was really young because my mom cross stitched. I did a few projects as a teenager and then didn't pick it up again until after I was married. I stitched off and on for about 5 years, but the past few I've started stitching a lot more often and attempting more difficult patterns.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by JenJ1978 »

I started when I was 11 (so this was around 1990, during the big boom in cross stitching). My mom taught me. My first project was a teddy bear parachuting, and the words said "Welcome...drop in anytime!" My mom had to do the French knots for me. I gave it to my dad's mother as a gift, and a few months after her death I asked about it, so it's back in my possession now. (Turns out it was with my dad's sister, who is also a cross stitcher and loves bears. I would have let her keep it.)

I also used to cross stitch while babysitting, either my project or the mother's project. I did feel bad when I had to point out to one mom that you were supposed to go up and back each row because she was just doing her own thing. :)

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Re: how did you start?

Post by Cookie »

I used to cross stitch when I was a teenager but then just stopped doing it.

Then three years ago when I was pregnant I wanted to stop smoking and so started cross stitching again so I had something to do with my hands and nd take my minds off cigarettes lol.

I am so glad I got into it again though. Totally addicted to it now (better than cigarettes anyway).

I especially love stitching anything disney.

So wonderful to see other people's stitching.
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Re: how did you start?

Post by mfarmer »

Love reading everyone's stories! So I'll add mine. :)

My grandma was an avid cross stitcher and crafter in general as I was growing up. Every time us grandkids went to her house she would have a new craft for us to do, it was a blast. I don't remember how old I was, but pretty young between 6-8 years old, my grandma started giving us little cross stitch kits and showed us how to do it. I remember doing a little tiny lighthouse ornament that I just fell in love with (not sure where it ended up though). I would do little ones whenever we were at Grandmas, but I didn't do anything bigger until high school when my mom found her old cross stitch stash and I finished some of her projects. And then my grandma had this huge Noah's ark chart that she let me borrow, gave me some Aida and I stitched it over 2 years.

I've been in and out of cross-stitching since then (I didn't do a lot while I was in college), but I've done a project every couple years. Ever since finishing college, I've been finishing old projects and starting new ones and I'm thinking cross stitching will be around to stay for awhile. :)

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Re: how did you start?

Post by 19Roland19 »

My mom taught me embroidery when I was a child. I have a picture of me holding my first piece, and I was about 5. ;) I embroidered a bunch of nursery rhyme pictures. My mom took them all and put them into a quilt. When I got married, I took it with me. One of my son's found it, and decided it was his. He used it every night, and eventually it was not repairable any more.

Cross stitch I didn't start until I was in my twenties. A friend showed me something she made, loaned me her pattern, and I haven't stopped since.

Mostly, I do Christmas stuff. I've done three tree skirts, and fifteen stockings. Well...maybe more.
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