Slowly coming back...

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Slowly coming back...

Post by JazzeyBear »

I'm ever so slowly working my way back. I've been one busy girl in the last couple (many) months. My stitchy bug wondered off at one time, and I found a new kind of stitchy bug, a crochet bug! I crocheted a blanket for my best friends new baby (and forgot to get pictures before I sent it to her), I've started another blanket for a very dear friend, I've taught another friend how to do basic crochet and her kids are wanting to learn as well.

Back in the end of June/beginning of May my 8ball pool team won a very important 4 day tournament thing and won a spot to go play in Vegas. So in the middle of August we packed up, flew out and played a lot of pool in Las Vegas. While there of course I traveled to the only stitch shop in town and buy some new patterns. My stitchy bug had disappeared to Vegas, and came home with me.

Oh, at one time I couldn't login for anything. I set up my account with an email I no longer use, couldn't remember my password. But it's all fixed now. Just have to find a way to log back in on photobucket and I can show off all my pretty pictures.

Now does anyone have any tips to crochet and stitch at the same time?
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by rcperryls »

:wave: :wave: Welcome back!! Sounds like you have been busy with life and pool and crocheting. We have a few who do multiple crafts so I'm sure someone will have some advice for you. Crocheting was my passion before I discovered cross stitching. But I could only do so many afghans, scarves and ponchos. I didn't love the vests and my one attempt at a gorgeous pants outfit for my mother turned out beautifully. But about a dozen sizes too big. Hope you figure out photobucket. Would love to see your projects!

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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by Rose »

Congrats on the pool win that is wonderful!!!!!

I am glad you found your bug in Vegas and brought it home. :wink: I am crocheting and stitching in a sorta rotation but if you figure out how to do both at the same time let me know, that would be great. Maybe if my toes.we're more talented........... :thinks:
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by bookknurd »

I do quite a few crafts, and while I will also wish for more time to spend on them, I feel like I get a good bit done on all without them getting in each others ways.

A big thing that helps me to is to figure out what times are best for each craft. An hour or two to myself at home with no interruptions? Stitching or sewing. Something easy to travel with or to pick up while watching TV with my husband? Probably knitting.

That being said, there are times where I don't feel like doing a particular thing, so I'll do the other. Or there are times where I am focused on finishing something up, so I focus on that particular project. And if I am really jonesing for some knitting, I go with it until I want to go back to stitching.

I've also switched my thinking from doing a certain craft to working on certain projects. So if I really want to work on a certain project, regardless of what craft it is, I do that.

Of course, I love having a million projects going at once because it means I'm never really bored with crafting nor do I lose my mojo. I may be tired a specific piece, but that's okay because I can work on something else and come back to it later when I feel like working on it.

Spend a little time thinking about how you like to work and how you like to organize your projects (or not organize, as the case may be) and you will find a system that works for you.

And I'll be sure to let you know if I find out how to stitch and knit/crochet simultaneously. :D
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by Serinde »

Those stitchy bugs are obviously world travellers! Glad you found it -- bet it was surprised to be discovered impersonating Elvis! :shock:
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by Stitchinkitty »

The trick is to split the time between crochet and cross stitch.I crochet rugs for children going into foster care.I do this at night when the light is not good enough for stitching.In the day light I stitch...after trying to decide which WIP,kitted up piece or just sitting saying stitch me design that takes priority!!!!!
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by Squirrel »

:lol: Great to have you back and even better that your stitchy bug found you in Vegas and you could bring him home. Hope you can sort out photobucket soon so we can see all that you have been doing. :applesauce: :applesauce:
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by tiffstitch »

How fun to find your stitchy bug in Vegas, and congrats to your team! I need to go to that store if I ever get back there.

I need to write up an "I'm back" post too, because I think it really is true this time. Short and sweet like yours might be best.

Have you tried crochet with your toes? That's all I can think of. :lol:
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Re: Slowly coming back...

Post by Past Impressions »

Pick those otherwise idle moments in the day that might otherwise be filled with a bit of sewing or knitting. If you do any kind of regular commute in which you're not behind the wheel or handlebars, work out a system of how to easily carry your project - whichever you feel is most portable - and just smile if anyone thinks it odd.

I always find making sure my pieces are all ready for me when I get home saves a lot of time, and can have me working solidly till sleep. Likewise it helps to pick one day a week with either less or no work done at all, so you don't get burned out.

As for doing both cross stitching and crochet at the same time, this is the closest I think one can get to multi-tasking...

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