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Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 10:47 pm
by Parksfarm
Soooo - what is up with the majority of the artists out there putting pointed ears on their fairies??? For some reason that totally creeps me out! I'm going to have to figure out how to redesign that area on some of my charts... :roll:

Re: Fairies

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:01 pm
by kitkat
i thought elves had pointy ears....not fairies....that is very odd but i kind of noticed it too even in fantasy art sometimes and i'm like hmm that's weird because i don't picture fairies having pointy elf ears lol

Re: Fairies

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:03 pm
by aundria
I agree! Actually, ears in general are a little creepy, the pointy-ness makes it more so. I like the way disney does Tinkerbell - her hair mostly covers it... Which, incidentally, is also how i try to do my hair because I think my own ears are too pointy :oops:

Re: Fairies

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:35 pm
by Angel
Fairies have been drawn with pointy ears for hundreds of years. It's actually a far more recent thing to try and make them appear almost human. Especially when you consider that various cultures have the same word for fairy as they do elf. The two actually began life as one, and seperated into two distinct races not that long ago.

Re: Fairies

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:03 pm
by hada56
LOL::: :)
considering neither actually exist, I guess you can paint them anyway you want. (No offence meant to anyone)

Re: Fairies

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:03 pm
by koko
I like all fairies, pointy ears or no :D But if you like more "human-looking" fairies, check out Nora Corbett's designs, her fairies all look like pretty girls with wings. I have a couple of her Pixie Couture designs, they are all fairies in fancy flower-themed clothes :)

Re: Fairies

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:10 pm
by Sarah Gixxer
I always thought they did have pointy ears, just quite little ones. We could do with a fairy smilie :lol:

Re: Fairies

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:18 pm
by Parksfarm
Yeah, Nora Corbett's fairies were the first ones I was attracted to. I've done The Lilac Pixie Couture and have several more in my stash. When I found HAED, I was just surprised that they all have the pointy ears... I was never much of a fantasy girl before, so I guess I just didn't notice that fairies have them. Should be simple enough to change though, I'm going to just carry the hair over the end of the ears and voilà! :D

Re: Fairies

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:02 pm
by Emma1977
If I sit and think about it the it does seem a little strange to me as whenever I think of fairies I don't picture them with pointy ears. :lol: However, it doesn't bother me either way. It just comes down to how different people interpret and visualise them.