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Advice please?

Post by fullnovembermoon »

Last year I joined a SAL and about halfway thru the year I contacted the blog admin/owner to let her know of a couple of small issues on the blog. Nothing major but I was I thought polite and grateful for the blog itself. In reply I got a very negative response to which I replied with an apology and an attempt to clarify that my original email wasn't a form of criticism (which is how this person took it). I then received another reply back, again really negative, angry, taking offense at things I had not said etc. I finally sent back a last reply letting her know again that none of how she took things were anything I intended and that I had meant nothing negative about her personally.

If that were the end of it I would not have given her or the incident much thought but this month I started a new SAL and even got the designers permission. I put up the site and then I see this person put up the same SAL a couple weeks later. Now I absolutely know the internet is big enough for two SAL blogs, that is not a big deal however with this not very nice exchange we had it seems like maybe she put up hers knowing mine was up just because she still is angry about that email exchange? I guess my question is do I leave it be or should I email another apology?
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Re: Advice please?

Post by Hetty1989 »

This is a tough one!! I think it is completely your decision what you do as you have to feel comfortable with it but if it was me I would just leave it! You have already apologised enough and I doubt another one would make much difference if this person hasn't responded very well in the past. Do not let it get to you people can very be very strange at times!

Dunno if this helped but hope your ok
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Re: Advice please?

Post by Fizzbw »

Oh, take the higher road and ignore it! If that makes her happy let her do it!!

People are odd, forgive and forget and move on if I were you :)

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Re: Advice please?

Post by Allyn »

I agree with Heather and Niki. We pick up a lot of cues from 'how' a person says what they say when speaking and we use those cues to interpret their meaning and intention -- are they being critical?, are they kidding? are they mad and upset or just conveying information? Communicating in a text-only environment can lead to misunderstandings since we no longer have those cues and the reader can put their own spin of emotion on the text they read. The blog admin certainly sounds like she put her own spin on your communication to her. You already apologized twice and she still wants to be ugly about it. I would leave it alone. Any more communication with her on this would almost seem like harassment.

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Re: Advice please?

Post by Borgessa »

You have apologized, twice, it seems. No need to do it again. You have spent too much energy on this woman already. Just let her go her own way, if she's that petty others will see it.

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Re: Advice please?

Post by mauveme »

From the sounds of it, this woman doesn't want an appology, she wants to be right, I woldn't waste any more energy on her.
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Re: Advice please?

Post by bookknurd »

I have to agree with everyone else. Just let it go. Sometimes that can be hard to do (I know as I could argue with a tree), but it's the best thing. You've already made it clear that you meant no offense, so there's nothing else to do about it. Plus, you don't really know if the SAL thing is related.

Take the time and effort you would put into this situation and put it towards stitching. :)
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Re: Advice please?

Post by fccs »

verajane wrote:I have to agree with everyone else. Just let it go. Sometimes that can be hard to do (I know as I could argue with a tree), but it's the best thing. You've already made it clear that you meant no offense, so there's nothing else to do about it. Plus, you don't really know if the SAL thing is related.

Take the time and effort you would put into this situation and put it towards stitching. :)
I agree. You have tried and obviously you cannot change her or her attitude. I have learned (or am trying to learn) not to worry about things I cannot change. Letting her (and people like her) negatively effect you gives her (and them) far too much power over your life.

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Re: Advice please?

Post by fullnovembermoon »

Thanks for the advice I will let it go. I was just sort of taken by surprise usually communicating with other stitchers is so much fun, this just went badly. It is hard to gauge tone with email.
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