Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

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Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by judygvi »

Hi All! New to the forum. I live in a suburb of Boston and work full time. DH and I have 2 dds and 2 cats!!! :-)

Xstitched long ago and now the pendulum has swung and I'd like to do this again. I have some projects---one in particular, Serenity Harbor and I need some kind of frame to use to do the stitching. I am confused by all the products I see online---some with wonderful reviews and then the same product with awful reviews. It's very subjective. Would appreciate any comments! I would like to use a lap frame as opposed to a floor stand!

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by rcperryls »

:wave: Hello Judy, and welcome to the forum from South Carolina! I use Q-snaps for my stitching for the most part and occasionally a wooden or plastic hoop, depending on the project. There are so many frames around and so many different types of stands, it is a hard decision to make and a really personal choice. I have a drawerfull of "wrong" choices for me from size to type of hoop or q-snap. We have had a lot of discussions about frames/hoops/stands and I'm sure that some of our members will be able to help you sort through the different types available.

What types of projects do you like to stitch?

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by judygvi »

thanks for your opinion Carole. I'm not sure what type of projects I like yet! I've been quilting and appliqueing for the past 15 years (+/-) When I last xstitched around 30 years ago and said goodbye to it, I thought that was the end of it! lol... I like realistic types of projects to xstitch. Serenity Harbor is one project that I am all set to start---only thing holding me back is finding some kind of frame. Can't do this one in hand.

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by richardandtracy »

It sounds as if you have had a fair bit more experience than me..

I just use a roller/scroll frame. I checked on Ebay, and found the cheapest of the right size - an Elsebee - at the time & got it. 4 years on it's done all 7 projects I've ever tried and is doing sterling service.

Hope this helps

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by fccs »

If your Serenity Harbor is the one I'm thinking of, it's long and narrow (relative to the length). If I was doing this one, I would probably go with a scroll frame. The scroll frames I use are various widths, depending upon the project, but for the height they are all around 10". I find that leaves a good amount of fabric exposed to work on without being unwieldy or making it too difficult to reach behind the frame (I stitch two-handed). I've used both the split rod scroll frames and the ones you baste your fabric onto, and both have presented no problems. I know some prefer the basted ones because the split rods don't always hold the fabric tightly or securely. (I'm waiting somewhat patiently for the Millennium frame I ordered - I can't review that but others here can.)

I also use hoops and Qsnaps, both of which make projects much more portable; I tend to use them on smaller projects (pretty much under 14" square).

I also use a floor stand to hold my scroll frames and larger Qsnaps, and recently purchased a Lowery stand which I am absolutely thrilled with!

Hopefully others will give you more ideas to help you make a decision. And you might decide on one option, try it, and realize it's not working. That's okay - it has to be what you feel comfortable with or you won't enjoy the stitching.

Oh, and welcome to the forum. :wave:

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by xstitch4u »

Based on the replies so far, I'm sure you see that everyone (pretty much) has chosen based on a lot of trial & error but thought I'd add my 2cents anyway. I use split scroll frames exclusively......have numerous sizes that have covered all the projects I've done over the years. That's not saying I haven't tried Q-Snaps etc. but they just don't seem to work for me. As for the lap stand & floor stand...........I've got them too. Never have been able to feel relaxed and comfortable with a floor stand but have use the lap stand on occasion. My favorite way of stitching is with a scroll frame and one side of a lap stand attached. The other side rests on the arm of the recliner that I am comfortably sitting in.

I would recommend starting with a basic scroll frame and as you get started stitching your project you will "customize" whichever way feels right to you. Remember that stitching should be a relaxing experience .............good luck
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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by Allyn »

Welcome from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, formerly from Stoneham, MA. I worked downtown Boston for many years. I do miss Boston, but I don't miss the snowy New England winters.

If you stick with it, you'll probably end up with a few different frames, either through trying them and opting for something else or finding that different frames are useful for different projects. I go for big, art-reproduction type of projects and I find that scroll frames suit me best. I use the baste-on rods from American Dream Products. I tried the split-rod type (it was a cheapo set) and hated it. The rough wood in the split frayed the fabric and it wouldn't hold tension. A better quality set would probably give me a better experience, but since I have hundreds of $$$$ invested in baste-on rods, side bars and stands, I have no incentive to change. The most frequent complaint I hear about scroll rods is that folks don't feel like it holds tension well enough. I find that with a good quality set, the tension is fine, but also know that I don't need tension so tight I can bounce a quarter on the fabric. Some folks do, and if you're one of those folks, a Millenium frame might be what you need. They're very expensive, though, and it takes a long time to get one. My advice would be to not go cheap. If you try Q-Snaps, get the genuine brand and not a knock-off. If you get a scroll frame, get a brand with a good reputation and not some cheapo set. A crappy frame will ruin your experience.

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by Mabel Figworthy »

Like most people here I've tried many, many different ways of holding the fabric. For small projects (and quite a lot of my projects are small) I like flexi-xoops, which keep the tension better than wooden hoops to my mind. This may be at least partly because I don't bother to bind wooden hoops, but as the flexi-hoops do the job why should I bother :-) ? They do leave a hard-to-iron-out ring on the fabric if you leave the fabric in for any length of time, so I only use them if the whole project will comfortably fit inside the hoop.

I've used Elbesee Easy Clip-On scroll frames, and they are OK, nice and light and keep tension reasonably well, though it slackens off quite quickly when you get towards the unattached side edges.

And then....

...then I got the Millennium Frame :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

It is expensive, yes. It takes months to deliver, true. But it is GOOD. It keeps beautiful tension along the whole width of the fabric, and it will keep it for yonks without the need for adjusting. I love it!!!!! They do a lap frame and a floor stand for it as well, but I haven't tried those.
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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by cedarblue »


I'm very new to cross stitch but I have found my new qsnap frame invaluable - lightweight and easy to hold, recommended.

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Re: Scroll frames/lap frames---need some recommendations

Post by Mystonique »

I've been a spring hoop, hoop and scroll frame girl. Mostly I found handmade scrolls hold much tighter than anything available off a mass production line.

But like another poster said, then I got a Millenium frame. Everything else pales in comparison. Drum tight tension, easy on and off for swapping projects, beautiful craftsmanship absolutely the best frame I've ever used by a country mile.

I can't see myself using anything else again. But if you aren't sure that this is the hobby for you, it's a big outlay.
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