I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

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I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Angel »

It's been a while since I actively posted in here. I log on every now and then when I get a PM, but for the most part I've been pretty silent for a while now. I got into knitting in a big way, it's more practical since I can't really take stitching projects out and about, but also because I only have so much wall space, whereas I could wear my knitting.

At the end of last year Wye Needlecraft went into liquidation and I lost my job meaning I lost my stitching pennies and had to be even more frugal than before and while I have patterns and threads galore, I'm a bit low on fabric so that made me even more knitty and less stitchy. On top of that, we moved house, so I'm now back in Sheffield with my family, and my beautiful craft room is...well...a box room I can't actually get in. I'll tell you all why in a moment.

I started getting really sick shortly after the move and this was explained away by the fact that I had finally managed to become pregnant. Something I've wanted for more years than any of you have known me. To say I was delighted is probably the understatement of the centuary! :wub: I was in love from the moment I found out.

Sadly, pregnancy hasn't been all I expected it to be. Because of the morning sickness we're still not completely unpacked from moving 8 months ago! We've managed to get most of the house sorted out, but the craft room and man cave are both just storage rooms at the moment since husband has been busy unpacking the rest of the house and I've been busy trying not to die. You see my morning sickness is not so much morning sickness as it's mutant cousin from hell, Hypermesis Gravidarum which the midwife kept telling me was just normal sickness until I collapsed at the top of the stairs and had to be rushed to hospital. I actually went into shock from it all (which is not surprising when you consider that I spent six hours solid vomiting so violently that I was bringing up blood, for so long that there was nothing left to bring up but my stomach lining on a fairly regular basis. I'm actually on two medications one of which was developed for Chemo patients it's that strong, just to stop me from going back into hospital. It doesn't stop me from being ill though and I'm still suffering and in danger of my midneys shutting down so have to be closely monitored). Complications don't stop there though, I also developed Sciatica, had to be rushed into hospital on oxygen when I developed a nasty infection in the lungs which was further complicated by the fact that they won't give me any medication for my hayfever and the H.G., fell down the stairs, lost over 8% of my bodyweight so have had to go in for growth cans since it's throwing all the measurements out, and am now on crutches from PGP and can't actually walk to the end of the street, let alone get into my craft room and find supplies to start projects.

And that's how I managed to locate my stitchy bug again. You see, at first I was consumed with this insatiable desire to make clothing for my daughter, but as my mobility has pretty much vanished and all my yarn is at the back of the room I've sort of run out of things I can easily make, and since the all night vomiting sessions are draining me of every ounce of energy I have left I really want easy, and my crutches mean I daren't go to town on my own as I rely on buses and they do not wait for you to sit down even when you're on crutches and so you're sent flying. I wouldn't mind, but I'm nine months pregnant and while I don't mind falling it's a bit dangerous to fall on my baby... So I don't really go shopping much and with yarn you need to smoosh it before you buy.

My nesting is still in full swing though and being unable to clean, tidy or make clothing for her....I sort of decided that I could decorate her room some more. See, I can buy cross stitch kits online really easily, and since I can barely walk, I am under husbands orders to just sit and play, with my doctors all in agreement. So...I got my stitchy bug back.

Waiting for my first baby kit to arrive I stitched her a door hanger for the nursery, sending my husband into the craft room to retrieve supplies.

The first kit to arrive was her birth sampler, which I completed in about a month and am now waiting for her imminant arrival to add her name and get framed.

My current WIP is for her reading corner (her nursery does have it's own reading corner).

You may notice the bear theme of it all... that's because her nursery is bear themed.

After I've finished this, I want to make some bear themed patches to sew onto her changing bag, which is quite plain. Brown and cream with spots. I think it would look lovely with some bear on it ^_^ Fortunately, I know where all my threads and fabrics are so small projects like this can still be kitted up if my husband feels like going and fetching for me. Just have to find some nice patterns for them. Anyone got any suggestions of charts/kits that would work?

Anyway, my due date is the 26th, but due to all the complications they've decided to induce me as early as they can fit me in...the 29th.So I will get to meet my little princess very shortly, until then.... Lots of stitching time and, I have her photo to look at to keep me inspired.
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Squirrel »

WOW Angel you sure gave been in the wars these past months. Thanks so much for sharing your difficult journey through your house move plus pregnancy and I like so many others on here will be cheering you on until the birth of your little Angel. :whoop: :whoop:
Sally in Brisbane Australia

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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by fccs »

Holy moly, you've been through a lot...surely there is an easier way to find your stitchy bug. :-) Seriously, though, I hope once your precious baby arrives, you and your body will get back to normal (whatever that is). Your projects are incredibly cute, as is her room...and judging by her "picture" she'll add even more cuteness. Lots of good thoughts are coming your way - and I can't wait to see your little one.

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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Angel »

Haha I'm sure there are much easier ways, but mine was in a hospital bed. Go figure lol

They tell me that once ziggy arrives pretty much all the complications will dissappear within the first month. Sciatica should be instant, the hg usually clears up after about a week once hormone levels settle and the pgp "might be instant" but usually fades after a month.

I'm glad you like her room and the projects. I have no idea how the bear theme began but it's really taken over now. I expect her to absolutely hate them by nursery age lol
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by karen4bells »

What an ordeal you are going thru, and thank goodness you are nearly over it!!! I love your precious one's scan---she looks amazing already and I absolutely love her nursery!! I hope that the remainder of your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible and that you will have a blissfully easy delivery!! Sending loads of hugs across the big pond!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by wendywombat »

After reading all that I am breathless!! :shock: :shock:

Big Hugs!! :hug: :hug:
Everyone has said exactly as I would say and hope you get back to good health with a beautiful daughter to compensate for all your ordeal.

:balloons: :rose: for you!
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Angel »

We're through the worst of it now, thank heavens. And it's all worth it. I'm so lucky to be having her that I'd go through it all over again for her if I had to. I think you can't really complain when you know that if you had a time machine and went back and someone said to you exactly what was in store, you would still choose to go ahead. :wub: I am so ready to hold her though, to make sure that she's ok. My health will recover, I just really need to see that my complications haven't hurt her. That's my biggest worry. It doesn't help when my community midwives have all been terrible (I have a five page letter of complaint so far) and my last one actually told me that my refusal to eat and drink enough is hurting my child as though I was doing it on purpose when in actuality I can't eat or drink enough because if I do, I bring it back up even with the medications so I have to stop as soon as I start feeling odd and I can only sip through the day. I figured, and my consultants agreed, that getting as much as I can is better than trying to get the right ammount and ending up with nothing, but hearing my latest midwife say I was endangering my baby...I need to see her now. So hoping she's born soon, as much as I love having her inside of me, I need her to be born soon so I can be sure that the consultants are right and the midwives are wrong lol

Isn't her scan amazing? My mum bought us a 4D scan for my birthday, little wrigglebum wouldn't stay still for any good pictures except this one, but it's breath taking, we got the DVD of the scan and oh wow! We saw her open her eyes and we saw her little tongue as she took in fluid... It's incredible! I'm so glad we got the DVD because I couldn't see the screen as we were having the scan and was more focused on not being sick. That evening I ended up in hospital too after collapsing so the picture really helped keep my spirits up. She's a really cheeky baby and I anticipate having my hands full with her!
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Lulu22 »

A big Congratulations on your baby news, I'm sorry you've had problems not only with your health but with some of the staff, I swear half of them have never had kids, I'm sure your little one will be fine despite your sickness you look very healthy and that's a fine baby 'bump' you've got there!
I was told whilst carrying my son that he would be very small under 5lb I was very worried at the time so I was shocked when he came and weighed in at just under 9lb! I also had problems with my daughter I had unknowingly got strep B and my daughter was born with congenital pnuemonia, I kept complaining to the midwives I felt unwell and they said it was normal, thankfully my daughter is absolutely fine and 16 years old now, I had another daughter the following year and they should've given me antibiotics because of the strep but neglected to do so I thank god she was ok, I was very angry with them for clearly not reading my notes.
So all in all the do get things very wrong sometimes, but its all so worth it when you hold your precious baby for the first time, I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of her.
I love your nursery scan pic and your sweet sampler great work :applesauce:
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by richardandtracy »

I do hope everything comes out well for you. You have mentioned a few problems which could be indicators for later in life, so take notice of them. Sorry about the morning sickness. My wife had a very mild form of what you are going through - so I can sympathise if nothing else.

As for idiot staff... My wife got so infuriated with the idiot consultant that she wrote on the front of the notes in capital letters 1/2" high: "This patient has a degree and is not stupid, so don't treat her as if she is.". All the nurses instantly knew which consultant had angered her, and it had an effect.

With our brats my wife had pregnancy related diabetes. In the first she was big as a result of mopping up excess sugar, but our younger one stopped growing at 35 weeks and was whipped out at 37 weeks, going immediately to the SCBU where she stayed in a box for 2 weeks, and had to be revived 4 times. However, she is now a normal, stroppy teenager. What else could one want, except a kitten instead?


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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Serinde »

Crikey! :shock: I knew thing were rough, but well! Not long now, and little person will take what she needs from you.

re all the bears. I'm convinced children know their real names... perhaps you have your own 'little bear' Ursula? :lol: :lol:
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Angel »

haha yeah, given how much I wanted this pregnancy things have to get VERY bad before I'll accept them as being even remotely bad. Even now I still love being pregnant. I mean, I need to not be pregnant very shortly and things aren't easy but...I still love having her so close to me at all times. Those special moments of just the two of us...I love that even though she's not born yet I know her so well. I love that when she gets frightened my singing can calm her down even in the womb (violent vomiting sessions and going over uneven railways at high speed frighten her for example) and I love watching her make my stomach dance in the shower... Things are bad and and dangerous, but I still love it and her more than I've ever thought possible.

Plans A, B and C all say she'll be here in 8 days. I've always maintained that she's coming on the 2nd August though and even though it's VERY unlikely, I still think that's her birthday.
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by tiffstitch »

Wow Angel, I'm so sorry you've had such a rough go of it. Your projects for your little one are so awesome! I didn't get a birth sampler finished until my DD was 14 months old. You could use one of the bears from the other projects and stitch them up for her bag, they're so cute! Or a Lickle Ted?

DD is 20 months now and I had an easy pregnancy/difficult birth but would still do it again as well. It's worth it and treasure every moment with your little one. I recommend a daily journal so you can keep track of all the little things.

Take care of you and her and fingers crossed for you both. :hug:
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by wendywombat »

Angel wrote:We're through the worst of it now, thank heavens. And it's all worth it..... , I need her to be born soon so I can be sure that the consultants are right and the midwives are wrong lol
I hope so too! :hug: The scan shows a lively baby so try not to worry.

Just to add that I spent most of my pregnancy in hospital...had a row with the midwife about breast feeding which I was unable to do. She said that I was depriving my child of natures best feed (but if you can't you can't!! ) and she wouldn't thrive!!!

Now my daughter is 41, healthy and the mother of 3 healthy children. SO!!! Sucks-boo to mouthy midwives!!! :lol:
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by richardandtracy »

We had fun with our midwives & health visitors...

For our first child we had a very competent midwife, efficient, self possessed & completely on top of the job. It was the days before mobile phones were common and she needed to phone back to base. Due to my mother in law shrieking down the phone hurting my ear, our phone was a candlestick phone, that way I could put the earpiece on the hall side and hear her quite well. Anyway, when confronted with the candlestick phone, the midwife turned to jelly, sat on the bottom of the stairs quivering. She just couldn't cope, and I had to make the call and relay all the messages back to base.

Then, after we got home with our elder dot, the health visitor called. She had some sort of problem with men. So when I was in the room, I was completely ignored. If I asked a question, she replied as if my wife had asked the question, never once looking at me or acknowledging my existance. If I asked for a demonstration of how to do anything, she made sure her body was between me & her, so only my wife could see the demonstration. If it hadn't been so funny, it would have been very rude.


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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Angel »

I honestly think some people should not be allowed to be midwives. My main midwife (who I have point blank refused to see anymore) ignored my complications completely, I was in a waiting room the other day with someone who had Pre-eclampsia during her first pregnancy and that same midwife had ignored her too. So It's not just me she's happy to let die. She's doing it to others as well. She simply doesn't care and as such she shouldn't be allowed to be a midwife.

The last midwife I had...well here's the funny thing, they just had an email about a month ago detailing sensitivity towards H.G. sufferers...

I don't know if I'll ever get pregnant again. There's a distinct probability that I won't because of how horrific the whole ordeal has been. I'm much more in favour of adopting my second child than going through even a fraction of this again. But if I ever do get pregnant again I won't even register with a community midwife. I'm going to insist on having all my appointments through the hospital.

I was supposed to see a midwife tomorrow but ended up in hospital again this evening. Only three hours this time but because they do everything the midwife does as routine anyway, it means I get to cancel tomorrows appointment! :dance: Is it really bad that I know exactly where I'm going and the doctors and midwives are starting sentances and then ending with "You already know..." rather than actually finishing the directions/explainations? I think I've gone in too much when triage is on speed dial and I'm explaining the tests to my mum while waiting for the inevitable handover (there's always at least one handover/shift change whenever I go in).
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by fccs »

Bless your heart, you've been through a lot - but in a week or so you'll get to meet your daughter face to face and every pain, treatment, hospital visit, and everything else will be worth it. I can hardly wait to "meet" her.

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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by tiffstitch »

Yikes... I hope the next few days go smoothly and you meet her soon! :hug:
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by MelindaH »

If the amount of food you ate was really inadequate for your baby, they would put you on IV nutrients. My cousin was unable to keep anything down during her pregnancies, so she had to have someone come to her house to do IV's. Your midwife was just being a horrible nag.
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Angel »

Yes, I know they put you on an IV when you're not getting enough. I've had several...

Well baby day came and went with no signs of her arriving any time soon. Guess I just have to wait until eviction day. On the plus side though...I did finish my alphabet picture on my due date lol
Just needs washing and framing now
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Re: I found my stitching bug hiding in a hospital bed.

Post by Serinde »

Golly, I was wondering all day yesterday...! :tizzy:

Love the sampler!
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