Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by Russophile »

LOL, I'm starting to think I must not have a single redeeming stitching habit! I definitely confess to giving nary a rat's patoot about the back of my work. Not entering anything in the state fair, so if anyone snoops, they deserve the assault on their eyes! :lol:
I'll get a possible chance to inspect the earliest stitching I ever did this coming week--the P. Buckley Moss I helped my wife finish for her Mom 20 years ago. If there's any damage or discoloration from all that saliva from sticking the floss in my mouth to get it through the needle's eye, it should be evident, right? :thinks:
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by millymolly »

It should be safe :lol: fingers crossed the bit you stuck in your mouth has been the bit you used to secure your end at the back when you were finished :lol:
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by Emmylou »

I know I don't get the whole not licking your thread thing because the bit I lick always gets chopped off at the end so it wouldn't damage anything :roll:
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by lavenderbee »

Recently started to put needle in arm of chair but mostly use pin cushion, a few times magnets holding chart. Going back over a previous topic I always thought tapestry was done with wool on canvas & cross stitch done with embroidery thread on materials like Aida cotton, linen etc., really anything except canvas. Years ago did embroidery, (which sometimes included cross stitching an item) on table clothes, tray clothes, chair back & occasionally on knitted items. Did not have a lot of choice of fabrics then but lovely to have so many now. :D
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by lcamp »

I lick the thread, also! Need to get into the habit of using my needle threader.

I attached a piece of magnetic tape to the inside lid of my bobbin organizer for my needles and it seems to be working out well.

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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by wikdik »

I care about the back I try to make it look just right. I nearly had a heart attack when I read (I don't care about the back). I will pick heaps of stitches if I have a knot in the cotton on the back, I don't think I would go past a 100 though
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by curly sue »

If I catch a knot within 2 0r 3 stitches, I will fix it....otherwise it's there forever!
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by wikdik »

I tried to leave it but something keeps niggling in my brain saying (fix it, fix it) so I have to fix it. When I can up-load a pic I'll show you all the back of my work. I'm happy with the way I am so now it's second nature.
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by wikdik »

Instead of licking the thread I have a threader that is for me the best thing ever. I just put the hook through the needle put the floss over it and pull back through the needle and done. Don't have to strain your eyes or anything
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by curly sue »

If a mistake really bothers me, I will fix it.
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by Brekkana »

wikdik wrote:I care about the back I try to make it look just right. I nearly had a heart attack when I read (I don't care about the back). I will pick heaps of stitches if I have a knot in the cotton on the back, I don't think I would go past a 100 though
Same here! I have one spot that is driving me bonkers, but I didn't catch it right away ... but I can see AND feel it ... I might go and fix it later ... my mom taught me to care about the back because you never know when someone will take a gander at it ... I guess it IS a bit of pride for it to be neat and tidy.
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by Clairabell »

Ooh I have a few confessions...

1. I have completed kits, and then not done anything with my work - I have some completed now that are sat in my sewing box (such a waste I know - I am working through them to get them framed/turned into cards etc)

2. I lick the thread :oops:

3. I get carried away looking at this forum - especially the SAL board. I am at work now. You are all so naughty for distracting me.

4. I hate it when people (and I have found this usually comes from men - although I promise I am not saying all men are the same), especially non-stitchers when they see me stitching, and comment that it must be so easy because after all, I have a chart! :? Feel like poking their eye out with my needle.

5. I can browse ebay, amazon and other sites for hours looking at kits and all other stash.

6. I have only ever stitched for others. I have never kept anything for myself that I have done 9this is changing this year).

7. My fingers are itching to stitch right now instead of sitting here knowing I have a report to finish :(
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by fccs »

Clairabell wrote:especially non-stitchers when they see me stitching, and comment that it must be so easy because after all, I have a chart! :? Feel like poking their eye out with my needle.
@rotfl: @rotfl: @rotfl:

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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by 19Roland19 »

My biggest confession is, I have a huge stash of patterns; books, magazines, leaflets...and I've hardly bought any of them. My sister buys them and brings them to show me. I get excited and say I want to make it...and she leaves it here. Some of these things have been here 10 years.


I cannot stand a not in the back of my work. It will haunt me. I must remove it.


I alter patterns. Most say you are not allowed....but sometimes they need to be altered.


I never see that instruction that says "not recommended for waste canvas" until I reach the part that cannot be stitched on waste canvas. (Which is why I sometimes alter the pattern.)
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by Kathy_A »

I love reading this thread!

My big confession: I looooove the ego boost I get when my mom tells me about her friends' reactions when she moves the Winter White Santa by Mirabilia that I made for her a few years ago from the bedroom where she has it hanging most of the year to the living room for the holiday season. The first Xmas she had it, she participated in a neighborhood house walk where various people did their decorating up big and sold tickets for charity to have people walk through and check it out. She told me about the visitors who would just stand and stare at the Santa, fascinated by the amount of work involved. This year, she hosted a lunch for her garden club, and one person all of the sudden said, "Is that cross stitch?!?" and had to go inspect it, which got the rest of them to ooh and aah, and got my mom to point out the other two Santa pieces I have made for her over the decades.

It just makes me all gooey inside when I get true appreciation for the hard work!

As for the little things, I lick my floss to thread it, put my needle in the couch arm when changing colors, and am a bit anal WRT the backs of my pieces, except for the times I have to scatter beads across the entire width and length of the pieces one at a time like my last piece (Christmas Flourishes by Mirabilia), because then the thread just goes everywhere. Oh, and unless I notice that the floss has knotted up in back right away, I just stitch over the excess loop if possible, otherwise I ignore it if it's small enough.
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by Dolphin82 »

Only just started my first ever large project which is a birth sampler but so far....

I lied to my partner about the cost of the kit

I am convinced my work looks messy even though my partner says it looks neat

I don't care how messy the back will care about the back anyway

I have to mark off every square on the pattern or else I get lost

I am scared to death of it not looking good when it is finished
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by wikdik »

Hi Dolphin82 I use an Highlighter because if I don't I know I will get lost. I also scan parts of the picture onto my computer so I can print them off A4 size so I can see it a lot easier. I haven't got bad eyes it just makes it easier to see.
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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by BexVM »

I have more in my stash than my husband realises!

I have more in my stash than years on this earth to complete and still I am looking for more!

I'm anal about mistakes, I will frog right back to the beginning if I'm that unhappy about it!

I dream about charts at night!

I have about 10 unfinished ones and the will probably stay that way!

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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by fccs »

BexVM wrote:I have more in my stash than my husband realises!

I have more in my stash than years on this earth to complete and still I am looking for more!

I dream about charts at night!

We won't tell your husband; your secret is safe with us. :-) As for dreaming about charts...I haven't done that, but after a day filled with stitching, when I close my eyes I see little boxes with all kinds of little symbols in them. Oh, and as for the amount of stash...yeah, join the club. I think a lot of us here can make that same comment.

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Re: Confessions of a Cross Stitcher

Post by rcperryls »

wikdik wrote: have more in my stash than years on this earth to complete and still I am looking for more!
It's called SABLE.
Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy

Which is most certainly true for me. I think I will need at least another 66 years to do all I want to do. And that is assuming I never buy another chart, any more fabric, and pretty threads I won't probably use.

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